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Carrboro league of Women Voters October 1987 report, "Meeting Basic Hum <br />Needs." <br />THUS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners resolves and <br />implores that the N.C. Job Training Council and its administrative arm, <br />_ the N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, change <br />the income determination definition for persons aged 55 and over from <br />"family income" to "family of one" and urges them to do so as quickly as <br />is reasonable possible. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />E. REPORTS <br />1. AGRICULTURE EXTENSION CHAIRMAN RECRUITMENT <br />Dr. Clyde Chesney, District Director, outlined the selection <br />process and the procedures that will be followed in replacing Bi11 Mainaus <br />who will retire February 1, 1988. After the interview process is com- <br />pleted, Dr. Chesney will present a recommendation to the County for them <br />to interview. If satisfactory, they will then make a formal presentation <br />to the Board and make a decision on the salary. At that time, the Board <br />has an opportunity to accept or reject the recommendation. Discussion can <br />then take place if there is any question about the applicant. <br />In answer to a question from Albert Kittrell, Chesney indicated <br />that only one candidate will be sent to the Board to be interviewed. If <br />the applicant is not satisfactory it will be discussed and if an <br />alternative candidate is satisfactory deal with another candidate but <br />usually the person recommended is the person best suited to fill the job <br />as County Director. <br />2. ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS BOARD SUPPORT FOR CAPACITY USE <br />Dr. David Moreau stated that The Environmental Affairs Board has <br />recommended that the Board of Commissioners support the Capacity Use <br />Designation of the Eno River. Tf the designation is made, the State, in <br />cooperation with the local governments, will proceed to develop an <br />appropriate management plan for the area. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stressed that when the request was made to <br />the State to do the study on the possibility of designating its capacity <br />use, it was done for informational purposes with the intent that the <br />County would be able to devise a plan that could be administered locally. <br />Dr. Moreau stated that with the capacity use designation, the <br />County would then determine what the management plan would be and the <br />State would in turn endorse the plan. <br />Don Cox spoke in support of designating the Eno River a capacity <br />use area and asked the support of the Board at the upcoming Public <br />Hearing. <br />F. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to approve the items on the consent agenda as listed below: <br />1. TAX REFUNDS RE VEST <br />Clark, James Boyd, Jr. and Cynthia P. Hansel, Acct. # 77564 in the <br />amount of $244.79 <br />L. L. Hiday, Acct. # 59382 in the amount of $29.56 <br />Lee W. Settle, Acct. #4886 in the amount of $76.60 <br />John Bachmann, Acct. #124159 in the amount of $117.52 <br />Riley, Preston William, Acct. #12298 in the amount of $55.08 <br />2. PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />To amend the 1980-81 Project Ordinance of orange County as adopted <br />on December 1, 1980 by the following Housing Amendment: <br />Appropriation: <br />Housing - 1988 Section 8 - Existing $ 1,260,142 <br />