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~Halkiotis to approve the <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />Motion was made <br />Halkiotis to approve the <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />Motion was made <br />Hartwell to approve the <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />minutes for November 23, 1987 as corrected. <br />by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />minutes for December 1, 1987 as corrected. <br />by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner rv~_"~ <br />minutes for December 23, 1987 as circulated. <br />PUBLIC CHARGE <br />Vice-Chair Moses Carey read the public charge. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />An overview of the Capital Improvement Program was presented by <br />Interim County Manager Albert Kittrell, Superintendent of Orange County <br />Schools Dr. Dan Lunsford and Superintendent of Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />Schools Gerry House with a slide presentation showing all proposed CIP <br />activities. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />SARAH STEWART , Co-President of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Federation of <br />Teachers, spoke in support of providing adequate facilities which will <br />help to create a quality educational environment. She pledged support for <br />a bond issue. <br />ToM BROWN Co-President of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Federation of <br />Teachers, asked that the leaders of Orange County make a decision for <br />going with a bond issue by visiting the schools in the county and talking <br />with the teachers and the students. He asked that a decision be made in __ <br />favor of the children and future leaders of the county. '' <br />DEAN DETER , thanked the Commissioners for their support of the <br />agricultural and rural education center and asked for continued support '•'-''~' <br />far this project. The need is still there and the project has a broad <br />base of support. <br />RDBERT STRAYHORN , spoke in support of the agricultural agencies being <br />located in one facility. The present facilities are not built to accommo- <br />date the volume of traffic nor to provide the atmosphere to conduct <br />effective educational programs. Many regional activities cannot be held <br />in the County because of the lack of space and equipment. <br />ANN TURNER spoke on the needs and priorities of a Southern Orange <br />Human Services Complex. She spoke of the crowded conditions at the <br />complex and noted that the State is working on a policy concerning space <br />accommodations and when the policy is finalized, if Orange County is not <br />in compliance, $250,000 in funding could be lost. Tt would also be more <br />efficient and cost effective to have the human services complex in one <br />building where a client could take care of most of their needs with one <br />trip. <br />R. E. HILDEBRANDT , stated that the Senior Citizens Board has not had <br />the opportunity for input into the CIP. He spoke about the inadequate <br />facilities at the Efland Senior Center and the Cedar Grove Center and <br />asked that the Commissioners visit those two centers before finalizing the <br />CIP. <br />REV. DAVID HARVIN , spoke in support of and gave an update report on <br />the Rural Agricultural Education Center. He stated that Duke University is <br />doing an overall assessment of all properties they own and at their May'. <br />meeting a proposal for how the land should be used will be considered. <br />There is a new state commission which will be supporting new agricultural <br />ventures like the proposed Center in Orange County and approximately two <br />million dollars a year will be allocated for these kinds of projects. <br />