Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Change references from 'Division of Environmental Management' to 'Division of Water Quality'; and <br />2 . Clarify definitions for Major Variance. Minor Variance, and Discharging Landfill. <br />3 <br />4 QUESTIONS ANWOR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />5 None. <br />6 <br />7 QUESTIONS ANWOR COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS <br />8 None. <br />9 <br />0 QUESTIONS ANDIOR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS <br />1 None. <br />2 <br />3 A motion was made by Commissioner Carey. second by Commissioner Halkivtis, to refer this item to the <br />4 Planning Boat for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than January 20, <br />5 1m. <br />6 VOTE. UNANIMOUS <br />7 <br />8 4. Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />9 Zoning Ordinmes Text Amendment <br />1 Subdivision Regulations Text Amendment <br />4 Fum*onal Road Class n <br />2 This item was presented by Planner Slade McCalip in order to receive comment on the draft <br />3 ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the update to the Functional Road Classifications of the <br />4 Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. On June 4.1997 staff presented to the Planning Board a <br />5 process and schedule for updating the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan including an update to <br />6 the read functional classifications, An amendment to update the functional classifications is necessary because the <br />7 maps in the Transportation Element to the Comprehensive Plan depict planned roads that are no longer planned. <br />8 Some of the current functional classifications are not referenced by other adopted plans and ordinances and the <br />9 existing classifications have been applied to every road in the county's land use planning Jurisdiction outside the <br />0 thoroughfare planning jurisdictions for the municipalities. This has made it difficult to clearly and quickly identify the <br />1 most important roads and also apply urban road classifications to the roads in 45% of the county's land use planning <br />2 area. As a part of the Functional Road Classification System update, the planned major thoroughfares adopted by <br />3 Orange County municipalities which are outside of a municipality's land use planning jurisdiction will be presented for <br />4 consideration and adoption by Orange County. In this way Orange County can classify the proposed thoroughfares <br />5 and then protect the rights-of-way for those thoroughfares that are consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. <br />6 <br />7 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />8 Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification about how the roads inside the municipal jurisdiction and the <br />9 roads in Orange County compare on the colored map. She asked if they were using the same definition. She asked <br />0 for clarification about tow they would be used together with the municipal plan. <br />1 <br />2 Slade McCalip indicated that they were not using the some definitions. Chapel Hill and Catrboro use the <br />3 definitions In the existing plan and Hillsborough is using the States functional clasfiation. DOT was respornible for <br />4 doing the clasaificsUons, some of which are based on maintenance. A lot of the DOT roads in urban areas were <br />5 classifled as major ttor oughfaros which relate to arterial roads out in the County. He agreed that there was a change <br />6 at the Town bo nndadw but it is coordinated In this plait. He fait that using this designation would simplify <br />7 identification so that the same classification would be used throughout the county. This would not be a <br />8 Transportation Plan. it would help in the consideration and design when the traffic projects are identified next year. <br />9 <br />0 Commbsiow Gordon asked what Chapel H11's classification was for Old Lystra Road. Slade indicated that <br />1 he would have to look at Chapel Hill's classification for that information. <br />2 <br />3 Thera was further discussion about specific roads. Slade McCalip stated that this plan was not intended to <br />4 dimd traffic but rather to indicate how roads are actually being used. <br />5 <br />6 Commis doper Gordon pointed out Drat if the system called for certain roads to be upgraded then that would <br />7 encourage traffic. She mentioned that if the assumption was that Old Lystra. 15-501 and Smith Level are all at least <br />8 eolfecim. dW in order to get around laterally you would have to classify Damascus Church Road . She requested <br />9 that addirional consideration be given to Dama=z Church Road and Old Greensboro out to White Cross. <br />4 <br />10 <br />