Orange County NC Website
PHILIP <br />POST <br />>s <br />ASSOCfATES <br />ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />ARTICLE 22 DEFINITIONS <br />Add the following definition: <br />GARDEN CENTER <br />Retail sales operation providing lawn and garden supplies and small equipment rental primarily <br />for home landscaping. Typical products include, but not limited to, decorative stone, garden <br />ornaments, decorative pots, container plant stock, and bagged or bulls sand, mulch and topsoil. <br />Seasonal sales such as Christmas trees, pumpkins and flowers will be permitted in the outdoor <br />display area. <br />ARTICLE 6.16 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN PERMITTED USES <br />Add the following section: <br />6.16.18 Garden Center <br />The following restrictions shall be applied to the above use in all zoning districts: <br />a) Outdoor display and storage of goods will be permitted <br />b) Outdoor storage of bulk goods shall be located such that it is to the rear or side of <br />the primary building and screened on three (3) sides by an eight (8) foot high <br />opaque wall or fence. <br />c} Outdoor storage for bulk goods shall be limited to 1,500 square feet per acre of <br />the zoning lot. <br />d) Land use Buffers shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Article <br />12. <br />33707AOLDm.1d1197.K <br />