Orange County NC Website
17 <br />Page 3 <br />B. Develop strategies to focus surveys in areas not yet inventoried and unable to match <br />survey and planning grants. <br />C. Integrate the results of all surveys and evaluations, including those generated by <br />Environmental Review, into the statewide survey. <br />D. Evaluate and nominate all properties eligible for listing in the National Register of <br />Historic Places (NRHP). <br />E. Publish and publicize survey results and NRHP nominations. <br />F. Clarify the purpose of the NRHP and the nomination process. <br />G. Incorporate new technology into survey procedures, data gathering, and storage. <br />Goal #S--Protection and Enhancement <br />Protect and enhance the state's significant historic properties and resources. <br />Objectives: <br />A. Coordinate with federal, state, and local agencies to ensure early consideration of <br />historic properties and cooperation in the environmental review process. <br />B. Strengthen state laws to protect historic resources affected by state or local <br />governmental plans or actions. <br />C. Strengthen North Carolinians' understanding of how they can make a difference in the <br />future of a historic property. <br />D. Promote the conservation and preservation of historic districts and landmarks through <br />local designation. <br />E. Develop incentives and legal mechanisms to preserve historic properties and stronger <br />disincentives for damaging or destroying them. <br />F. Foster a sense of stewardship for historic properties owned or controlled by public <br />agencies. . <br />G. Promote the stewardship and restoration of privately owned archaeological and historic <br />properties. <br />H. Provide for safe and efficient storage and retrieval of information about and artifacts <br />from historic properties. <br />