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rw ~~ll~ <br />Economic Feasibility <br />.~ <br />Planning level cost estimates for each option's capital and operations were evaluated assuming <br />both municipal solid waste and. construction and demolition debris would be disposed in a lined <br />facility. In-county..landfill costs (and site life) are based on estimates prepared by Joyce <br />Engineering. Out-of-county disposal tipping fees are based on surveys of facility operators. <br />Table ES-2 summarizes the costs during the initial 20 years (while incurring capital debt service) <br />and over the remainder of the life/term of the facility. Two possible scenarios will affect these <br />costs: 1) disposal of construction and demolition debris in a separate unlined facility; and 2) <br />significant reduction in the disposal stream due to waste prevention and reduction. Subsequent <br />sections include preliminary analysis and additional cost information regarding these two <br />scenarios. <br />It is important to note that these costs should be used for comparative purposes only. In-county <br />landfill development costs will be effected by actual facility design. Out-of--county fees are <br />subject to negotiation and depend on contractual terms such as limitation of liability, delivery <br />guarantees, and term. <br />Social and Political Impact <br />Demographics vary significantly over the range of options. The highest ranking is given for the <br />site located in an area with the lowest minority population .and highest income. Public <br />acceptability of the options is difficult to predict. Generally, if ~Iimited concerns regarding a <br />facility have been expressed, public acceptability is assumed to be good. Also, increased <br />responsibility and control is considered favorable. <br />Because the out-of-county options would require contractual agreements and liability and risk <br />are uncertain, these options are considered less advantageous than the in-county option regarding <br />legal requirements. However, it should be noted that this is based on the uncertainties associated <br />with the liabilities; the in-county option may result in greater long-term liability to the LOG and <br />member governments. <br />NOR/K\~ to790\ E00_+•S.YVP ES-3 06/93 <br />