Orange County NC Website
~~. <br />OPTION IMPLICATIONS '' <br />In-County Disposal <br />2. Examine Feasibility of these sites were not previously identified as the <br />Other Candidate Sites preferred candidate site for various reasons <br />from Current Landfill would require additional research, analysis and <br />Siting Process public input process <br />3. Examine Feasibility of would require elimination of current turbo jet <br />Greene Tract Site for aircraft landings at the Horace Williams Airport <br />Landfill Disposal zoning limitations <br /> • site size limitations would not provide disposal <br /> fora 50 year period as originally planned <br />4. Begin New Landfill • previous site search process took seven years -- <br />Siting Process new siting process would have to be completed in <br /> timely fashion to ensure availability of disposal <br /> capacity beyond life of existing site (the previous <br /> landfill siting experience suggests that there may <br /> not be adequate time to identify and develop a <br /> new landfill site before closure of the existing site) <br /> • as all of Orange County was considered in the <br /> previous siting process, it is unlikely that any <br /> potential sites will be discovered that were not <br /> previously considered (unless criteria are <br /> changed) <br />Note: A transfer station for mixed waste may be developed in conjunction with a <br />transfer station for C&D waste materials. <br />Recommendations <br />If the landfill option is selected, several years would be required to locate, acquire, <br />permit and construct a new sanitary landfill (see attached "Orange Regional Landfill <br />Permitting and Construction Schedule" from Joyce Engineering). <br />Regardless of which of the above disposal options is selected, additional decisions <br />regarding the preferred option for ownership and operation (i.e., public, private, or <br />combination) of facilities (i.e., transfer station, landfill site) will also be required. <br />In order to ensure that an acceptable disposal option can be identified and implemented <br />prior to the closure of the existing landfill site, it is critical that the local governing bodies <br />make a decision regarding the preferred disposal option in a timely fashion. <br />Memo: Mixed Waste Disposal Options 2 1/12/98 <br />