Orange County NC Website
2 <br />be pe: Witted iz numerous locations throuchout the county, rcluding ~~`~ <br />the Greene Tract and other lard adjacent to the existing landfill. <br />a ~~1~th a Convene°nCe Cantu <br />A C&D disposal facility and a county convenience center could be <br />located together, although there is no apparent advantage to doing <br />so. Generall;r, we feel that the public would perceive a C&D <br />facility iZ their neighborhood as more negative than a convenience <br />center. <br />Northern a_nd Southern C&D Sites <br />Zt is certainly possible to establish two C&D sites, one each in <br />the northern and southern part of the county. From our <br />perspective, the quantities of waste materials is not adequate to <br />support two such facilities and the double expenses that would be <br />entailed. The obvious advantage is that of convenience. <br />The majority of C&D waste is generated in the southern portion of <br />the county, which •~ould seem to make a centrally located site must <br />practical. If, in the future other parts of the county begin. <br />producing more of this waste, a second facility could be located at ~. <br />that time. <br />