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<br />D. Table 3-3 <br />.Summary of Estimated Diversion Potential from asemi-automated facility <br />Wood and pallets (9090 of clean wood wastes): 4,500 tons <br />Ferrous and non ferrous metals (8590 of metals): 1,500 tons <br />Sotuce-separated drywall: 5096 of drywall coming in: 1,350 tons <br />Subtotal of tttauerials potentially recyclable in current 7,350 tons <br />(?.39'0 of construction and known trtarkets and demolition wastes) <br />Potentially ttcyciable in niche markets or reusable 190 of C&D wastes: 350 toes <br />Dirt (119b of waste) and small debris (596 of the block brick concrete taken out of 3,900 tons <br />Waxed construction waste doting proceuuittg and used at the landfill for required weekly <br />cover material of constrt~tion and demolition wastes): <br />Subtotal potential for diversion from waste stream (3596): 11,600 tans <br />Add drywall to "dirt" fiaction if broken down through screening: 1,350 tons <br />Add 7095 of inert debris diverted for crushing to retue as road building material, 7,800 tons <br />landfill cover or drainage material: <br />Total reusable material in Orange County's construction waste stream in tons or 6096 20;750 tcnr <br />of the total construction and demolition waste; ~~"'=-''~''`'"''''" <br />Table 3-3 <br />A semi-automated c&d waste processing facility is estimated to cost about $2.Smillion. Such <br />a facility could be built at the Orange Regional Landfill. It has been considered but at this-~ <br />time, the Owners Group has decided to proceed with only the salvage and planning programs. <br />E. Options for C&D management <br />In January 199'7, the Solid Waste Department staff prepared options for management of C&D <br />waste, those are shown below in Table 3-4. The Owners Group expressed some interest in the <br />processing facility but was interested primarily in private ownership and operation of such a <br />facility, if it were to be considered at all in the future. No commitment has been made at this <br />time since priority has been assigned to the mixed solid waste stream. <br />3-12 <br />