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G+ <br />materials and favorable differential tipping fees can be established, the required <br />separations could affect those materials. - <br />b. Currently, of all the jurisdictions, only the Town of Chapel Hill has <br />such an ordinance and it is used only for projects requiring a special use permit or <br />zoning compliance permit. That covers only 20% of all construction value in the <br />Town. An expanded ordinance that encompassed all construction over $50,000 in all <br />jurisdictions would be a more effective tool. Such an ordinance will be proposed in all <br />jurisdictions this fiscal year. <br />3. Processing facility for mixed construction and demolition wastes. <br />Estimated annual cost (including amortized capital costs) $732,000. Estimated tonnage <br />diverted: 20,200 (see table 3-3). <br />In order to meet the broader goal of 58% reduction in C&D wastes, the Counry would need a <br />construction and demolition waste recycling facility that could handle not only some source- <br />sepazated clean wood and metal but also the rock, dirt and other inert materials. Those <br />materials, combined with wood and metal are 70% of the C&D waste stream delivered to the <br />Orange Regional Landfill. This does not include separated roofing shingles, construction <br />related plastics or other materials for which markets may develop. <br />Table 3-3 below prrsents an estimate of the amount of material recyclable or salvageable from <br />Orange County's construction and demolition waste stream based on table 1-2, This estimate <br />does not include 30% of the wasu thaz is estimated to be larger inert debris (concrete, block, <br />brick, asphalt, file and ceramics). It does not include the 4% of the waste estimated to be drywall <br />mixed with construction wastes. If those two materials are included, the total percent recyclable <br />would rise to 70% of the waste stream. Those two materials could be included if markets for dirt <br />and inert debris improved <br />3-11 <br />