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~~ <br />C. Timetable for meeting the goals. <br />We believe that 2001 goal could be achieved with amanually-based construction materials <br />salvage operation at the landfill and an enforceable solid waste plan requirement for new <br />construction or major renovations in all jurisdictions. <br />For the Landfill 1997-98 budget, both the salvage and the solid waste plan enforcement <br />program are to be funded by increasing the tipping fees on constntction and demolition wastes <br />by $2.00 per ton. Governments have passed those programs and the attendant fees. <br />To achieve the 58% goal proposed for 2006, some type of sorting facility would probably be <br />required to separate and process recyclable materials from mixed construction wastes. <br />that would be delivered to the landfill. The Owners Group has made no commitment at this <br />time to build such a facility: <br />D. Description of Programs to meet the goals <br />1. Landfill Salvage Program. Diversion estimated 800 tons per year. Annual <br />cost $30,000 <br />(budgeted first year cost including vehicle and supplies: 539,500. Tons diverted 600) <br />A previous waste sort showed about 19b or 330 tons of the materials delivered to the ~ _ <br />construction waste area of the landfill are potentially reusable. In addition, this same waste <br />sort showed that 6,000 tons of wood and metal are delivered to the C&D landfill each yeaz. <br />Under this landfill diversion program, we project that 500 tons annually of this 6,000 tons of <br />recyclable wood and metal are easily captured at the landfill face. <br />This program entails locating a recycling materials handler at the working face, hand picking <br />reusable materials and storing them in on-site containers until such time as they can be sold or <br />donated. In addition, this staff member would either direct those haulers carrying a majority <br />of metal or clean wood in their loads to separate dumping areas or pick them himself. The <br />metals would be sold with other existing scrap. The unpainted, untreated wood. could be <br />processed along with the yard waste for.mulch or otherwise used or sold as dimension lumber <br />or engineered wood products. <br />2. Construction Waste Reductioa Program. Projected full .year cost $37,000. <br />Estimated diversion 600 tons per year. (Budgeted Srst year cost including vehicle, <br />supplies, computer. 532,500. Diversion 200 tons) <br />a. The construction waste reduction program would ux a solid waste plan <br />compliance officer to enforce solid waste plans for all new construction, renovations or <br />demolition valued at over $50,000 in all jurisdictions in Orange County. The <br />jurisdictions are evaluating adoption of such plans this year. A key component of any <br />solid waste plan would require separation of recyclable materials on the construction <br />site. Currently, only clean wood and metal are recyclable. As_mazkets arise for other <br />3-10 <br />