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-l <br />and staff to wort: with other jurisdictions in Orange County to develop solid waste plan <br />ordinances that are similar to that adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill to enable ease of <br />enforcement and consistency for builders and regulators. . <br />A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING 'THE MANAGER TO START THE PROCESS TO <br />Ai~ND CHAPEL HII.L'S SOLID WASTE PLAN REQUIItE1ViENTS AND TO WORK <br />WITH OTHER JURISDICTIONS TO ESTABLISH SLl~1II.AR REGULATIONS <br />(97-6-23/R 1~ <br />WHEREAS, the construction and demolition disposal area of the Orange Regional Landfill will be <br />full within one and one-half years, and <br />WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Bill has adopted ambitious waste reduction <br />goals, <br />4T <br />NO~V BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the <br />Tanager is authorized to develop changes to the e.Yisting development ordinance that would <br />extend the solid waste plan requirement to all construction projects valued at over SS0,000, <br />and to work with other jurisdictions in Orange County to develop solid waste plan ordinances <br />that are similar to that adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill to enable ease. of enforcement and <br />consistency for builders snd regulators. <br />This is the 23'a day of June, 1997. <br />