Agenda - 01-20-1998 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-20-1998
Agenda - 01-20-1998 - 10a
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Last modified
7/27/2010 9:18:52 AM
Creation date
7/27/2010 9:18:33 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980120
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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~~~ <br />..J <br />• enforce requirements for separation of recyclable construction materials on-site at most <br />construction sites. <br />These programs are recommended by the Manager for implementation in 1997-98 (Memorandum <br />to Council of fay 16, 1997). It is the opinion of the Town Attorney that this proposed method <br />of funding this progamm is not lawful. We, therefore, have revised our recommendation so that <br />the source of funding would be from an increase in landfill tipping fees an construction and <br />demolition wastes. This fee was recommended by the Landfill Owners Group to remain at 833 per <br />ton in 1997-98. <br />We project that the construction and demolition waste area of the landfill will be full in one-and- <br />one-half years. Using the lined, southern portion of the Eubanks landfill for construction waste as <br />well as the mixed solid waste now buried there could reduce its capacity as much as two years. <br />The landfill would then be. full by 2003 rather than the currently projected 2005, creating an <br />impetus to provide immediate waste reduction in this sector. <br />DISCUSSION <br />We project overall $rst year combined program costs at 582,000. The proposed construction and <br />demolition waste reduction programs could be funded from a combination of a 52.00 increase in <br />the tipping fee on the projected 32,000 tons of .construction and demolition wastes, 58,000 from <br />undesignated reserves and a 510,000 Grant from the North Carolina Office of Pollution Prevention <br />and Environmental Assistance. The grant has been awazded specifically to buy storage containers <br />for salvageables recovered at the landfill. <br />Landfill Salva a Program <br />Using landfill tipping fees for the salvage program would enable implementation of that prouram <br />in October 1997. Coordinated implementation of the construction and demolition waste-related <br />solid waste plan ordinances in all Orange County jurisdictions would require significant <br />cooperation among the jurisdictions. We project that ordinances in all jurisdictions would not be <br />in place until early 1998 and that the reduction program would not take effect until February <br />1998. This timetable would enable several months for education of the construction community <br />about the requirements of the ordinance before field enforcement besins. We would propose that <br />enforcement begin in July, 1998. <br />Solid Waste Develoament Ordinance and Enforcement Program <br />In August 1996 we held discussions with the various planning and inspections department <br />personnel and conducted a work, session with builders on solid waste planning and landfill <br />regulations. There was consensus-.that enforcement of solid waste regulations on construction <br />and demolition wastes w•ouId best be handled for all jurisdictions, as recycling collections are <br />now; by the staff of the Solid Waste Management Department of the Town of Chapel Hill (or the <br />successor agency upon reorganization of the solid waste management function.) <br />
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