Orange County NC Website
° ;.1 X <br />Orange Regional Landfill Owners Group Resolution to the Town of (~.. <br />Chapel Hill requesting revisions to the current solid waste " <br />planning ordinance. <br />~r1F:?Rr..aS const action and demolition waste represent approx'_mate1v <br />one-third of materials landfilled annually at the Orange Regiona? <br />Landfill , and <br />WF:~REaS the Owr_ers Group has adopted a. goal of reducing <br />construction and de_*nolition wastes by at least 25~, and <br />Wr:,REaS efforts undertaken to date under the existing Solid Waste <br />Plan Development Ordinance Text Amendment have not resulted ir_ a <br />significant reduction in construction and demolition wastes, and <br />~N-r~RE.~S the existing construction and demolition waste lard*"ilI <br />will be full in less than t*,uo-and-one-half years, and <br />NOtiJ TIr~.-ORr 3S IT RESOLVED that the Orange Regional La.*!dfill <br />Owners Group recomme_*:ds that the Town o= Chapel Hill stre_^.gthen. <br />its existing solid waste plan ordinance ~shich includes <br />regulations for reducing and separating recyclable const=action <br />and demolition •,vastes, considering use of materials with recycled <br />content and rewires a plan for recycli-g. additionally that <br />such a revised ordinance shall: <br />a} govern all construction and de.~nolition projects with a value <br />of over $0,000 regardless of type, <br />b) ensure that demolition projects are of approved until a solid <br />waste pla_*~ has been approved, <br />c) incorporate solid waste Alan inspections into routine building <br />inspection practice ar_d that compliance with stipulations of a <br />solid caste pla.*~ ce a regal=E:-:ent of continued inspecticns <br />d) be as c_ose in •~rording, scope and inc=_nt to the ordina_*±ces <br />adopter by t e oth er mE:-nber gove_rnme_r.s as possible. <br />_= _^ . u°'=:~~ ?=SOLVE that the =aadfil. Owr_ers Groan recoa«*neres <br />c at t e TowTt of Chapel :ill <br />a) .e~:ESt more coorcinatior_ with projects u.dertaken on t <br />c :..::pus o: the Gniversity of Mort Carol_na at Chapel Fzili, <br />b) cooperate w_th of her me:-nber gover:unE:.s c*" the Owners Group to <br />reTti=_r a fur_cing source a_rd hi_e a so_d waste plan inspEctor <br />co ensure solid waste pla_*:s are properly fi?ed and carri_d cut. <br />':'`ce e:cist_nc i Tspec*_ion and pla_*~irg stn°fs shall coordinate wort <br />~~rith the solid waste plan inspector. <br />Tris tie 22nd ray of January, 1997. - <br />