Orange County NC Website
4 <br />acd So'3 to the cost of a $10,000 housa. Based on the dollar' <br />value of $130 million in 1°95-9o contt=uction permits, this fee " <br />level would raise $55,000, the estiaated first year cost for to <br />solid waste plan inspector position, a vehicle, and necessary <br />e~:ipme^_t. Second year costs would be about $35,000 because they <br />would not include a vehicle or significant equipment. Note <br />hoc~rever that if imple.*nented mid-fiscal year (e.g. January 1), <br />first fiscal year costs would be about $37,500 due to only <br />fu:-~ding a half year of salary. <br />~nir_ile not necessarily required to imple.~nent solid waste <br />manage.*nent planning ordinances, we believe a recycling materials <br />inspector would greatly e.*lhance the overall program, and should <br />be considered in a later budget year. It is likely that the <br />requirements of any solid waste marage.*~ent plan would only <br />require separation of clean wood waste and metals; however, <br />current staff Nould be ur_able to provide oversight to these <br />add=tior_al materials. .f these separat:d materials are delivered <br />to the landfill, a landfill materials i-Spector would be able to <br />ir_sure that the materials were properly segregated when they <br />reached the processing area. Unfortur_ately, requiring sorting of; <br />material at t^e job site is no guararte=_ that it will be ^market_ <br />ready' when it reaches the landfill. The materials inspector <br />~,vould be able to provide increased martetability for the _ <br />.;taterials by separating higher value delivered materials. •- <br />T?^.e landfill saterials inspector positicn would require a full <br />tine salary anc a vehicle. First year costs could be <br />approximately $44,500, with second year costs.about $29,500. .f <br />implemented .mid-year the first fiscal year costs would be abou~ <br />530,000. Th15 position could be fur_ded in a similar ma_T.ne_ to <br />~e inspector, through tipping fees or a mix of fiscal resources. <br />_= both positions were fu.*~ded solely t~-~ough tippl__^_g fens, a <br />51.12 first yea= increase ($0.74 mid-fiscal year & $0.72 Zr_d <br />_~_ar) to t..e t_ppir_g fee would be requi=ed. If only t'~e Iar_d=i 11 <br />___spector position were so fur_ded, t!:e ..ippir_g fee would i :crease <br />by 50.50 first _.-ear ($0.34 i*" mid-yea= a:_d 50.33 2nd yea=) . <br />1_-di,c met :ode available i nclude but a=: not limited t~ 'tiDDi .c <br />=s.s, c=nerai =?Jcation by local ce•~er=~.e-ts, solid waste <br />assessments a.^_c, possibly for one year c :ly, grant fu::ds <br />a-; a_lable• =rom the North Caroli__^_a Di~rision of Pollutior_ <br />_.Vc :Give and _.L1VirollAte_^_tal n5s_sta:?C? ($ee e?ge_^_da ].t~~ -rte) . <br />Coordination of Work 8equirmd With Existing Staff <br />=ssues pertain_-g to organization. a_rd ccordination of wvr''t and <br />d.l=_cation of responsibilities for t^e inspector will =n.~air t~ <br />~= wor'.ced ou_. rde suggest the position(s) should be par= of t e <br />e:S_Sti ng SOlid ,Taste N~*~agE:^.Ent Depart.:~E t under wratnver <br />cC'v:r =*~ie:lt Or Orga_^_iZat_Or_al StrL:CtL'=E t»at Department lllt~tatEly <br />C~Erat°s. _ <br />r~je beliEVe t?a~ mOSt Of these COO=Ci~atiCn 155ues Can be I'I'c»*ldlc d <br />a~ t_^_E Staff lE'rE~ ].: the Ordl~S~CeS arc Si_*tt1~ ar ir_ nat::_E. 'c-*d -- <br />