Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />large ar„ounts of corrucated car board to recycling crop oL= <br />. sites. <br />• No requirement to submit a solid waste plan to handle <br />.demolition waste. Development plans are often submitted <br />SubSeeue_Zt to de.*nolition of a_*~ existing building on the site <br />of a project requiring a special use permit. Thus the <br />demolition is r_ot subject to any waste reduction regulations. <br />• Limited ability to have an imaact anv projects undertaken on <br />the cam us of the IIniversity of North Carolina. In February <br />1996, Chapel Hill solid waste staff met with WC construction <br />planning staff to discuss ways to make the solid waste <br />planning ordinance more effective on campus. UNC construction <br />planning staff agreed to administer t'_:e solid waste plar~iing <br />ordinance for aTI campus projects. Our field observations of <br />WC's demolition ar_d remodeling projects have not revealed a_*iy <br />on-site recycling efforts. Our limited follow-up with GNC <br />const=action planning sta~f has not s~.own any major <br />implementation of construction waste reduction through their' <br />application of solid waste pla_^~ ing ordinance. <br />Follow-up with other Local jurisdictions in Oraage County <br />Nor_e of the other three jurisdic.~ions has a solid waste plan <br />Ordinance in effect, although sta== from all thre° have e:cpressed <br />some interest in this. The July 11, 1990', memorandum to the <br />Owners Group "=ollow-uD Items on Construction and Demolition <br />~~caste Reduction Planning', contai__^_ed SDECif1C recommendations for <br />a more effective ordina.*ice. This memorandum contains further <br />specifics about what could be included in such an ordinance. <br />$ta== =rvm Chapel Frill $o lid 'Haste Deea_ moment met with various <br />sta== me_*nbers with Carrboro, a_-±d Orange County pla_*ining a_*id <br />buildi_^_a i_^_scectior_s staff in ?.uc-.:st to =urther discuss those <br />_ssues. <br />Discussion <br />z'uading a Solid Waste Plan Inspector Position and a Laadfill <br />Materials Inspectioa Position <br />___ :. he Dece.Ticer 12 me*nora.*idun to the Ow=_e=s Group, "?ollow-~,:n <br />~.=_o_ t ct Cptior_s for Reduci_^_g Co-struct_on and Demolition <br />~cas ~_" , t e Staf 51CCested t .t t e OWT°_r5 GrOL'D CO.^.S:C~r a <br />=ecor,,-~encation to the member coverninents that a solid waste nla_^_ <br />_-specccr bE added to the Solid .'caste staff if all gover,_nents <br />adcpcE_ solid waste pla_*is . This : ositicn would be necessa_~-1 to <br />pry:_c°_ adE^.:ate plait rEVieTid a_rG _ns~ect_Or.; Current- SO1_d waste <br />stc-- 15 WGrkig at full CdpaC_tV. ~ _ <br />inOr:lation 'nlaS prOV1CEd about fi~anGing this D0S2.tiOn u5i C ~a <br />per:^.lt =e° tiE^. to the dollar value of t E project. The <br />s::cgested 'ee :Jas $0.042 per 6?00 of pe=-fitted valuE. This would <br />