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the only program in the area. The lease has expired and although ~3~new <br />facility is desired, she asked that assistance be given with paying the <br />rent until another location can be found. <br />RICHARD ELLINGTON stated that the school children of Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro deserve better schools. Carrboro Elementary is the most <br />crowded school in the system. The situation could be solved by one of <br />three ways: (1) enlarge all of the facilities to accommodate the current <br />needs and the anticipated growth, (2) redistrict the entire system, or (3) <br />build additional schools where the greatest amount of growth is expected. <br />It is important to provide the very best administrators and facilities for <br />the children in the County. He does support a tax increase. Recent <br />statistics on local support for schools indicated that Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro ranks number 25th while Orange County ranked 61st. He asked that <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro be given the money it needs along with the <br />supplemental tax to make their good schools even better. <br />JULIE BOWEN spoke as a parent and on behalf of the Carrboro <br />Elementary School PTA Board. She urged approval of the capital fund <br />request as presented by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board. She <br />expanded on the inadequate facilities at Carrboro Elementary School. The <br />programs are in place but space is inadequate. <br />MARVIN KOENIG principal of Chapel Hill High School, compared <br />the facilities at Chapel Hill with another facility at which he worked, <br />emphasizing the inadequate facilities at Chapel Hill High School. He <br />asked that the Board place the decision of funding facilities before the <br />citizenry of Orange County. <br />ED CALDWELL ~ JR. , stated that the needs of the schools are real <br />and won't go away. People are moving to the area because of the schools, <br />which will cause the school systems to grow as well as the needs. He <br />asked the Board to support the proposals outlined by both school systems. <br />DERWOOD WINFREE , representing a group of concerned parents at <br />Sewell Elementary School, talked about the lack of proper space at that <br />school. He asked that these needs not be postponed and that all the <br />proposals for all the schools be considered. He pledged his personal <br />support for a bond issue including a substantial portion for education. <br />ALICE MCADOO retired teacher in the Orange County Schools, <br />asked that funds be provided for the needs of the schools. She also spoke <br />on behalf of the senior citizens project in Efland. The Center has <br />outgrown its purpose. Anew building is needed and the money being paid <br />for rent could be used to pay for such a new building. <br />TED PARRISH , Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board Member, pointed <br />out that effective schools with an environment conducive to learning is of <br />upmost importance. He encouraged the Board to support a bond issue. <br />DAVID LINEBERGER , taxpayer, questioned that buildings teach <br />children. He was under the impression that the three cent increase in <br />taxes would take care of most of the capital needs in Orange County. He <br />stated he pays taxes but receives no benefits from the school system. <br />ROY MCADOO , Chairman of the Efland Development Association, <br />asked for assistance in paying rent at the multipurpose building in <br />Efland. The lease expired and no money is available to pay the rent. He <br />asked that $500 be allocated to pay rent. <br />NOTE: Chair Marshall asked Albert Kittrell to investigate this situation <br />to see what assistance the County can offer. <br />STEWART BARBOUR , stated he is against any kind of bonded debt <br />and asked that if the money is going to be spent now that taxes be <br />increased now instead of passing a public mortgage onto the children and <br />grand-children's homes and earnings. He stated that the Eno River Group <br />opposes all power boats and all people on all drinking water reservoirs <br />and feeder streams. He suggested that A-frame roofs be used on all <br />buildings. He questioned the square footage estimates contained in the <br />CTP and the price per acre for the land that will be acquired for the <br />