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M E I � V 22 <br />The three -acre parcel is capable of adequately accommodating an <br />individual well and septic system. <br />The property fronts for 198 feet along the east side of US 86 North which is <br />designated as an Arterial Road in the Transportation Element. Daily motor <br />vehicles counts are 9,000 ADT about 4,000 feet to the south of the property <br />and 7,800 ADT at the Phelps Road intersection 12,000 feet (2 1/4 miles) to <br />the north. <br />Public Hearing Summary <br />A joint public hearing on the zoning request was held by the Board of County <br />Commissioners and the Planning Board on November 24, 1997. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis inquired about an area where a dam is located and it <br />was described by staff. <br />The Planning Board Chair and a neighbor of the subject property inquired about <br />the planned use of the property if it were rezoned. Staff stated that any of the <br />uses list by right, or allowed after receiving a Special Use Permit, in the I -1 <br />zoning district would be possible. This list of uses is an attachment to these <br />minutes on pages <br />Since the public hearing, written comments have been received and were <br />distributed to Board members. (copies attached to these minutes on pages ). <br />Cameron stated that the concerns in the four letters speak to drainage, traffic and <br />other impacts to adjacent properties. There is no use proposed at this time. <br />Using a map, Cameron indicated the drainage pattern, noting that it drains to the <br />east and there is a larger creek 300 feet east of this property. There is also <br />drainage flowing in a swale to the south of the property that joins the larger <br />creek to the east, but neither of those affects this property. <br />Cameron noted that when a site plan is presented, erosion control, and buffer <br />requirements will be applied to insure that all impacts will be addressed. <br />Planning Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request for the Chang <br />property to I -1, as delineated on the map (attachment on page ) and the <br />findings (attachment to these minutes on pages ). <br />Barrows asked about the performance standards. Cameron responded that <br />buffers, screening, and noise levels will be determined and applied when a use is <br />proposed. <br />Searles expressed concern that once buffers were applied, there would not be <br />sufficient area for use. Cameron responded that the Zoning Ordinance includes <br />waiver provisions for the reduction of buffers under certain conditions. <br />Katz noted that one of the letters referred to adverse impacts from a green house <br />and it was not listed as a permitted use. Cameron responded that it is considered <br />an agricultural use and is permitted in an AR district. <br />Katz asked about the drainage concerns mentioned in one of the letters in <br />reference to storage of petroleum products. Cameron responded that the Fire <br />Code requires containment structures in case of accidental spills. <br />