Orange County NC Website
LITERACY -Commissioner Carey suggested allocating a small amoun~ of <br />money to support the Literacy Council in this area in an effort to help <br />those people who are out of school and unable to read. Chair Marshall <br />asked that the Administration contact the Literacy Council and see what <br />they propose to do with $2,000. Commissioner Halkiotis suggested this may <br />be an opportunity for a collaborative effort by schools, recreation, DSS <br />and the churches to get involved. <br />HUMAN COMMUNICATION - The Board pointed out the need for all public <br />servants to improve public communication. <br />COMPUTERIZATION ~ The Board asked that it be provided a schedule for <br />PC distribution and that the Board be included in the PC training classes. <br />Discussion ensued on Data Processing and Albert Kittrell indicated that <br />the workload is such that additional staff is needed in that department. <br />AIRPORT - The Board decided to request the Economic Development <br />Commission to review the Airport Task Force Report and to suggest location <br />sites and the type of facility needed to promote economic development <br />activities in the county. Commissioner Carey noted that the EDC is now <br />having a study done and that the Board may want to wait on the resuxts of <br />that study before making any decisions that would affect Economic <br />Development. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items to discuss, Chair Marshall adjourned the <br />meeting. The next regular meeting will be held on December 17, 1987 at <br />7:30 p.m. in the Courtroom of the old Post Office, Chapel Hill, North <br />Carolina. <br />Shirley E. Marshall, Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />