Orange County NC Website
Contract#68-2010 <br /> TAMM,L.L.C.dba Right at Home—Durham/Chapel Hill <br /> ATTACHMENT N <br /> OUTCOMES AND REPORTING <br /> Orange County Department of Social Services and Orange County Department on Aging <br /> By signing and submitting this document, the Contractor certifies that it agrees to the following: <br /> 1. The Contractor agrees to participate in program, fiscal and administrative monitoring and/or <br /> audits, making records and staff time available to Federal, State and County staff. <br /> 2. The Contractor agrees to take necessary steps for corrective action, as negotiated within a <br /> corrective action plan, for any items found to be out of compliance with Federal, State, and County <br /> laws, regulations, standards and/or terms of the Contract. <br /> 3. The Contractor agrees that continuation of and/or renewal of this Contract is contingent on <br /> meeting the following requirements. The Contractor agrees to: <br /> A. Provide employees to perform in-home services for the County's clients, at the level, <br /> amount and frequency specified by the social worker in the In-Home Aide Service Plan. <br /> B. Provide verification, upon request, that the selected employee has been properly <br /> licensed and trained and is qualified to perform assigned tasks. <br /> C. Assign employees to clients according to the clients' needs and the employees' abilities <br /> and experience. <br /> D. In a timely manner, provide the County with information on significant changes in the <br /> clients' conditions or situations. <br /> E. Assure that the client is treated with dignity and respect, assist in protecting the client's <br /> assets and possessions, and assure confidentiality of client's circumstances. <br /> F. Allow aides to provide transportation, within reason, for both medical and personal <br /> reasons. <br /> G. Provide care at Level 11 as appropriate to the needs of the client. <br /> H. Maintain all financial and program records for a period of three years from the date of <br /> final payment under this agreement for inspection by the County,the Area Agency on <br /> Aging and the Comptroller General of the United States,or any of their duly authorized <br /> representatives. If any claim, litigation, negotiation, audit or other action involving the <br /> Contractor's records has been started before the expiration of the three-year period, the <br /> records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues that <br /> arise from it. <br /> I. Protective Service In-Home Aide requests are to be staffed within 24 hours and the <br /> hours to be worked are to be strictly adhered to. Referral acceptance by the Contractor <br /> is conditional on worker availability. The Contractor will notify the County within two <br /> hours if the request cannot be honored. <br /> J. High Risk In-Home Aide Service requests are to be staffed within five days. All other <br /> requests are to be filled within ten working days of the request. <br /> K. Changes in the service hours are to be made by the County. Requests for changes may <br /> be made by the Contractor, but are not finalized until notification is given by the <br /> County. <br /> Outcomes (06/04) Page 1 of 2 <br />