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321 <br />results. <br />Motion was made by Commissioners Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to accept the report in principle and to discuss the report further <br />at the December 5 1987 work session and consider a phase II study. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />2. RESERVOIR SITE COMMITTEE REPORT <br />Don Cordell, an Associate with Hazen and Sawyer, presented the <br />report. He stated that phase one of the report represents a comprehensive <br />study of water supply needs and alternatives in Orange County. He <br />commended both water committees for their hard work in providing the input <br />that went into the two reports. The primary objective was to identify the <br />best reservoir site(s) in northern Orange County that would meet the long- <br />term water supply needs in Orange County. They also evaluated the use of <br />Jordan Lake as an alternative to new reservoir construction. <br />Jim. McCarthy, engineer with Hazen and Sawyer, presented charts <br />which reflected population projections and anticipated growth in both <br />population and water demand. Using a moderate growth projection the net <br />deficit in water supply is 7.3 million gpd. Using a high growth <br />projection the net deficit is 11.6 million gpd. <br />Don Cordell listed the seven possible reservoir sites. A detailed <br />comparison was done on four of the sites and on Jordan Lake as an <br />alternative to new reservoir construction. He .made reference to the <br />Executive Summary and listed the comparison of the values necessary in <br />building a reservoir including the costs associated. <br />The Site Committee, along with Hazen and Sawyer Consultants, <br />recommended the construction of a reservoir on the Eno River above McGowan <br />Creek with the eight million gpd expansion. They also concluded that the <br />County should purchase land in the Seven Mile Creek area to meet the <br />wildlife mitigation requirements for development of a reservoir and <br />', preserving land for a future reservoir site. They recommended County <br />participation in the plans for the regional utilization of water from the <br />" Jordan Lake. <br />The recommendations as listed in the report are as follows: <br />(1) Authorize preparation of detailed topographic maps. <br />(2) Authorize phase II of the study. <br />(3) Articulate a policy regarding growth and coordination with <br />all municipalities within Orange County as well as their <br />water suppliers. <br />(4) Participate in drafting a regional plan for utilizat~.on of <br />Jordan Lake as a means of obtaining a water supply allocation <br />from that facility. <br />(5) Acquire land at both site C & D since delaying that <br />acquisition could only increase the cost of the land. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Barrie Altvater Wallace spoke about her concern for preservation of <br />the historic value of the Chatwood house, the mill and the Chatwood <br />gardens. She asked that the County consider Jordan Lake as the solution <br />to Orange County's future water needs. A copy of her complete statement is <br />in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />Peggy Altvater read a letter from Mrs. Helen Watkins. She related the <br />historic value of the Chatwood home. She concluded that to wipe out this <br />lovely and interesting area would be a great lost -- not only to historic <br />Hillsborough but to the many visitors who come to the area. <br />Don Cox cited the two water reports as comprehensive and thorough. He <br />recognized the dilemma between providing adequate water supplies and the <br />damage to environmental and significant historic values.. He offered his <br />continued effort and support for the continuing phases of the report and <br />implementation. <br />