Orange County NC Website
The new billing format was tested in November with a mailing of approximately 2000 notices. <br />We had many positive responses by telephone and in person. All but two of the surveys <br />returned rated the new billing format as highly effective to excellent. Some of the suggestions <br />written in on the survey were as follows: <br />"Why not send a mailing envelope?" <br />"Both (post card and new format) are effective. Should go with the one that is easiest to <br />process and most cost effective." <br />"Personal `Messages' was almost overlooked as general info. Otherwise very excellent. Had <br />all the info I needed." <br />"Include return envelope." <br />"Highlight the account number, if any, you would like taxpayers to record on their checks." <br />"Please put an example of a tax formula." <br />"I think the added information is interesting -bULI'm so. used to looking out for those <br />DISTINCTIVE post cards that I'm biased in favor of them and fear I'll miss the bill (& the <br />deadlines) unless you can make that envelope egnally clear &distinctive. (The simpler the <br />better)" <br />"I really don't think you want to know what I think so I won't waste my time!!" <br />"Lower your tax rates. Stop being parasites." <br />"This is a great new bill format—Thank you Tax Office!!" <br />"This is good!" (referring to the sentence, "in addition, we can educate our citizens about how <br />property tax dollars and other revenues in the general fund are spent.) <br />