1998 S Social Services - Center for Employment Training Service contract - - 02-03-1998-8h
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1998 S Social Services - Center for Employment Training Service contract - - 02-03-1998-8h
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Last modified
7/26/2010 2:43:55 PM
Creation date
7/26/2010 2:43:53 PM
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.Individualized, Self-paced Instruction -Student-based Training <br />With a diverse student population, instruction must be individualized and progress must beself-paged. The <br />CET Svstem allows students who learn quickly to move rapidly through the course. Others with multiple barriers <br />have the time required to gain needed skills. No one is cast aside because he or she cannot keep up. <br />Open Emory and Open Ezit -Immediate and Intensive Training <br />With a variable course length, applicants may enroll and begin training at any time there is an opening. This <br />means that most applicants can begin training immediately after completing orientation and will train for thirty- <br />five hours a week. This intensive training is required for students to overcome the ma~+ basic skills and language <br />barriers as well as to learn vocational skills. <br />Competency-bayed Learning -Training for the Real World <br />CET designs curricula not only to meet the needs of individual students, but to meet the needs of future <br />employers as well. Vocational training is designed to teach all the skills needed to function on an entry-level job. <br />Curricula are designed around industry specified job tasks and competeruy is measured based upon the <br />accomplishment of those tasks. As much as 70% of a student's training is conducted using the machines or <br />processes required on the job. In addition, training simulates actual work cenditions -students punch a time <br />clock, report to a single supervisor (instintctor), and are expected to work productively for a full day with the same <br />group of fellow workers (trainees). Developing proper work habits while in training is essential for graduates to <br />succeed on the job. <br />Integrated Instruction - No Fragmentation of Learning <br />Remedial instruction in basic skills and English language fluency is integrated with job-skills training - <br />provided concurrently and usually in the same classroom. To avoid fragmemation of learning, a student spends <br />most of his or her day in a single classroom where basic technical, and language skills are taught by a team of <br />instructors. Instructors teach basic and language skills in the context of a given vocational skill and, to the extent <br />possrble, when thry are relevant to accomplishing a vocational task. In this way, basic skills are more readih- <br />understood and applied. English language instruction emphasizes an immersion in the language in a workplace <br />setting. Primary instruction is provided in English and is reinforced only when necessary in the student's native <br />language. In tvery way possible, CET's classrooms replicate conditions found on the job so that students gain <br />valuable work maturity skills while in training. <br />Market-Orie~ed - Facaaed on aTraining-related dob <br />Although trainees do get a Certificate of Completion, a graduate's first paycheck, not a piece of paper. is his or <br />her teat diploma. CET aims instructioq counseling and support services at a single target -helping the student <br />get a permanent unsubsidized job. Professional job developers work with students and employers to identifiā¢ <br />appropriate job opportunities and ensure a good match. <br />Support Guidance <br />Resolution of personal di$iculties is as important as the acquisition of marlcetabie skills in obtaining and <br />holding a job. Advising at CET takes place throughout the training process from intake to placement and follow- <br />up. Both vocatiional and personal guidance are an integral part of the program Technical instructors. betztuse of <br />their daily contact with the trainees, have the primary responsibility for providing continuing vocational and <br />pezsonal guidance. <br />The support resource advisor provides assistance when the trainee has family, legal, or other personal <br />problems helping the trainee W secure from other agencies services to which thry are entitled. When groups of <br />trainees. such as single parents, have common problems the support advisor helps to establish and facilitate support <br />grwrps. <br />
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