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Addendum #3 <br />CENTER FOR EMPLOYMENT TRAINING <br />GENERAL TRAINING NARRATNE <br />PROGRAM S1JNIl~tARY <br />The CET Training Design -Comprehensive, Integrated Training Accessible to All <br />Center for Employment Training (CET) is a private nonprofit corporation which operates one of the nation's <br />largest networks of community-based training schools. CET directly manages 23 training centers in California and <br />six centers in New York, Maryland, Vn-ginia, Illinois, Nevada and Florida. It also provides technical assistance to <br />other corporations which operate CET training ceniers. CET employs over 350 staff and manages the Program <br />from its training and administration fxility in San Jose, California. <br />Founded in 1967. CET was established to train those who are not well served by mainstream educational <br />institution-people whose language, reading and math skills are so limited they can't get into or have dropped out <br />of public schools or who have leR those schools without marketable skills. <br />In order to help these students overcome their multiple barriers, CET provides a comprehensive vocational <br />training program which integrates English language and basic skills instruction with and in the context of <br />vocational raining. <br />Unlike almost all other public and private schools and training Program operators, CET does not require basic <br />skills emry prerequisites for its courses. Because each student's instructional plan is customized to correspond with <br />his or her needs and abilities. most students readily gain the skills needed to obtain a job in their chosen <br />oavpational field. CET's program is a practical and effective model for training the labor force of the '90s. <br />PROGRAM PLAN <br />The CET Training Design - Comprehensive, Integrated Training Acceuible to All <br />CET designed its training program specifically to serve those who face multiple and severe barriers to gaining <br />self-sufficiency. Consequently, it offers a comprehensive set of services generally not found in a single employment <br />training Program. In addition, it integrates services in such a way as to make training more eff dent and effective. <br />Services include: <br />• Vocational Training <br />• Basic Skills Remediation <br />• English as a Second Language Instnrction <br />• GID Instruction <br />• Vocational Guidancx and Support Advising <br />• Pre-employment a~ Work Maturity Training <br />• Support Services Referral and Advoc~cti• <br />• Job Developmcnt <br />• Follow-up Services <br />Training Accessible to All - No Early Prerequi'ites or Creaming <br />CET admits shidcnts without requiring that they meet Prerequisites. It does not screen out applicants who are <br />weak in math. reading or English -instead it teaches these skills along with a vocational skill. Everyone who <br />applies to CET and meets finding source guidelines can get in -even those who do not speak English or are <br />illiterate in their native language. <br />