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Occupational Sl~ls Training <br />CET's instructional program integrates activities to meet the unique needs of participants and to ensure that <br />they are fiilly prepared for a productive new job. The program is comprehensive, utilizing state of the art <br />educationai methods, including: <br />o Modular cuaicula <br />o Competency-based performance assessment <br />o Self-paced learning <br />o Job related pre-vocational basic skills remediation <br />o Voptional English-as-a-Second Language <br />o Vocational and personal counseling <br />o won in job seeking skills <br />Training is open~ntry and open-exit with a variable course length. It is individualized, self-paced. task- <br />oriented. and compeoeucJr-based. Training facilities and texhing methodology simulate work conditions in order to <br />Prepare trainees not only with the knowledge required for their chosen occupation, but also with the proper work <br />attitudes and behaviors. Puncd~ality, initiative and cooperation are emphasized. <br />Over 60% Of a participant's training is hands~n, utilizing equipment similar to that which is in use by local <br />employers. An inwnctor to trainee ratio of approximately one instructor for fiftcen to twenty shrdents allows for <br />individualized. personal atternion. Only after the participant has demonstrated competency in the particular unit of <br />study does he or she move on. <br />While they are in training, students are covered by the attached Cigna accident insurance policti. <br />Job Devdopmeut & Placement <br />CET employs full-time job developers who identify job openings and link CET trainees with employers. Job <br />developers work with trainees from the beginning of training to their completion and placement on a job. When a <br />trainee is determined to be "job ready° by the training team, he or she is referred to the job developer to begin the <br />job search process. Throughout their training, trainees attend job search workshops where they practice filling out <br />job applications, prepare a resume, identify job openings, and practice interviewing skills. Job developers refer <br />Participants to training related job openings and provide ongoing support and assistance in the job search process. <br />Students do not leave training until they are actually placed in an unsubsidized job. At CET: Your diploma is a <br />jet <br />Follow-cep Services <br />Follow-up contacts are made by the job developer or an alumni support c~unseelor immediately upon placement <br />and thereafter for the neat six months. Assistance is provided when a participant's problems are endangering job <br />stability. Alumni are eligible for re-employment assistance if they lose their job. This assistance is at no cost W the <br />funding agency or individual. <br />STATEMENT OF WORK <br />Otlrer Fanding~Referrat Soarces <br />During the period of this contract, CET will give priority for training to DSS WorkFirst participants and the <br />county DSS offices will make a good faith effort to refer sufficient cliems to keep funded training positions filled <br />At the same time CET will continue to recruit and enroll participants from other fiuuiing/referral sources in order <br />to ensure continued operation of the training center. These sauces include local ]TPA programs. individual <br />referrals of Vocational Rehabilitation clients. Telamon farmworkers, and individual tuition paying students <br />utilizing federal financial aid <br />• North Carolina CET Catalog, July 1997 Edition <br />