Orange County NC Website
3 <br />--~ <br />~~~1 <br />.. <br />o~tnr nJdk b~nrcrp. <br />Sheriff Albert Pend~agtass <br />Orange County Sheriffs Ueparan+cnt <br />i44 E. Margartt Lane <br />Hiilsbor+~ugh, NC 27278 <br />U.S. Department otJa~Nos <br />C~Tce gf Ca~na.u~riry d Polkiwg Servioa {~G'OPSy <br />w.~s+aa mac. Rosso <br />December i 5,1997 <br />FtE: t3rant for. Orange County Sherl#!'s Department <br />Dear Sheriff Pendergrass: <br />It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that your Departt>ietit will <br />receive a COPS Universal Hiring Program giant award for 6 new, additional till!-time <br />officer(s) and 0 part-time officer(s) at an estimated cost of 5450000. This is ari estimated <br />amount of federal funds to be awarded to your jurisdiction for a throe year period. The <br />grant award start date is December I, 1947. which means that you c~i be reimbursed for <br />salaries and expenses of additional offiiccr(s) hired after this date. <br />if you have not pr~eviousiy nxeivod a COPS Universal Hirlitg award, your <br />Universal Hiring Pmgram budget information currently is being reviewed. Upon budget <br />approval, we will forward to you your Unversal Hiring Program Award, bvdgd ~ <br />clearance mearorandum, Grant Owner's Manual and Request for Payment form. The <br />mcinoracedum will provide the actual award amount and will identify any disallowed <br />costs such As uniforms ar overtimes Some departments also will receive COPS assistance <br />in developing community policing strategies. If this condition applfes, a special nodes <br />pertaining to technical assistance will be enclosed. You must sign And r+edun it to the <br />COPS Office along with your grant award,. To accept your grAtit, please sign the award <br />document and special condition, if applicable, and return it to the COPS Office within 45 <br />days. <br />TO 3gt/d ~I2l~iS £8b9Z£L bT~88 866T/TZ/T0 <br />