Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Government Executive's Name: William Crowther <br />Name of Government Entity: Orange County <br />Address: 201 Cameron Street P 0 Box 8181 _ <br />City : HZt t ahorouQh State: N -~ . Zip Code: 27278 <br />Telephone: (919) 732-8181 FAX: (919) 644-3004 <br />Title : Chair <br />~1P.f'd~ ~t~Ot'[i1~Ofl: <br />Type of Police Agency: <br />O State O County PD ®Sheriff O Indian tribal <br />O University/College(O Public or O Private?) <br />O Transit <br />O Munidpal <br />O School <br />O Public Housing <br />O New Start Up (please spedfy type of agency) <br />O Other (please spedfy) <br />Has your jurisdiction received other COPS grants? ~ Yes O No <br />If "yes," under which program(s)? {Choose alI that apply) <br />O COPS: Phase I O COPS AHEAD £~ COP'S FAST O COPS MORE <br />Q Universal Hiring Program O Anti-Gang Initiative/Youth Firearms Volence Initiative <br />O Troops to COPS O Community Polidng to Combat Domestic V olence <br />O Iru~ovative Community Oriented Policing <br />What is the total number of new officers for which you are now applying? Do not include any officers fund- <br />ed under any other COPS grants. <br />Full-Time 6 Part-Time <br />Total amount of federal funds requested for all full-time and part-time officers: 5.~3 n~ 7 <br />Total non-federal matching funds required (Local share): S 36 079 <br />(To answer these questions, complete the budget section for one officer and multiply by the above number of <br />requested offccen) <br />Population served as of 1990 US. Census: 110 , 000 and square miles covered 409 <br />(Exclude the population aced sgerarr codes primarily serpcd by other Iacv enforcement agencies urithin your jurisdic <br />bore. For example, sheriffs' dcpartmcrets must exclude populations and arms coperrd by a city police department <br />for which the sheriffs' department has no primary taw enfor,cemrnt authority) <br />Current authorized sworn force strength: .g~_ <br />{Indicate if your department does not hope an authored strrngth) <br />Actual sworn force strength as of May 1,1996: 80 <br />(Include funded pauencin) <br />(Ne <br /> <br />