Orange County NC Website
14 <br />(a) To recommend programs, policies, expansions and reductions of services, and <br />other matters related to the operation of the Solid Waste System; <br />(b) To suggest amendments to the Solid Waste'Management P4aa Policies; <br />(c) To provide advice to the County Manager for use in the County Manager's <br />developing the proposed annual budget for the Solid Waste System, to review the budget for the <br />Solid Waste System as proposed by the County Manager to the County's Governing Board, and <br />to provide recommendations to the County's Governing Board for the approval or amendment of <br />the proposed budget; <br />(d) To receive and interpret for the County public input concerning the Solid Waste <br />System and the Solid Waste Management Nee Policies; <br />I <br />(e) To further such mission and goals for the Solid Waste System as the Governing <br />Boards may together adopt from time to time (a copy of the current version of the mission <br />statement and goals appears as Exhibit D); <br />(f) To advise the County Manager on the hiring of any subsequent department head <br />for the Solid Waste System; <br />(g) To provide promptly to the County's Governing Body a recommendation <br />concerning any proposal for a change to rates, fees and charges forwarded to the Advisory <br />Commission pursuant to Section &.49 5M; and <br />(h) Such other matters as the Advisory Commission may deem appropriate or which <br />may be requested by any Governing Board or the County Manager. <br />6.03. Appointment of Members; Terms. (a) Each Governing Board shall appoint <br />two members to the Adyjsoy Commission. All appointments shall be made within 45 days of <br />the Parties' reaching final agreement on the Open Matters, and each Party shall notify all the <br />other Parties of its appointments within 10 days of maldng such appointments. <br />(b) Advisory Commission members shall serve staggered three -year terms. To <br />provide for the staggered terms of the members, the initial appointments by the Parties shall be <br />for the following terms: <br />County: Member A. 3 years <br />Member B. 2 years <br />Carrboro: Member A. 2 years <br />Member B. 3 years <br />Chapel Hill: Member A. 3 years <br />Member B, 1 year <br />