Orange County NC Website
12 <br />(d) The County may decrease any Governmental Fee from time to time in its <br />discretion, without prior notice to or action by any other Party. The County shall promptly notify <br />the other Parties of any decrease in any Governmental Fee: <br />SM =. Other Fees. If the County determines that it is or may be advisable to <br />create, increase or decrease any other rate, fee or charge, including any charges by the County for <br />the sale of goods (for example, mulch) or services, then the County shall give at least 30 days' <br />notice of the proposed change to the other Parties, and the County shall request that the Advisory <br />Commission consider the proposed change. If the Advice Commission recommends that the <br />change be approved, then the change may take effect if it is subsequently approved by the <br />County. If the Ayissoorv. Commission recommends that the change not be approved, then the <br />change may take effect only if the change is subsequently approved by the County and at least <br />two other Parties (except that approval by any two Parties shall be required at any time there are <br />less than four Parties to this Agreement). A change shall take effect at the end of the notice <br />period or, if later, the date of the last Governing Body approval necessary for it to take effect. <br />5,9 5M. Time Limitation on Fee Change AAtiorovals. Any approvals given <br />by a Party to the imposition or increase of any fee, pursuant to the approval requirements in <br />Sections 5,,M 5A7; and 5.08 and 5.09 shall be of no further effect after 90 days from the date of <br />the action granting approval (or after such shorter or longer period as may be made part of the <br />action granting approval), if the imposition or increase so approved has not by such time received <br />all approvals required for its effectiveness. <br />5};z,IQ. Use of S,Wern Revenues and County General Fnnds. (a) The <br />County shall use System Revenues solely to carry out the Solid Waste Management P4aa <br />Policies and solely for the benefit of the Solid Waste System, including (i) to pay costs of <br />disposing of Solid Waste, (ii) <br />Meeagement to pay costs of collecting ate, processing and disposing-of Recyclables, (iii) <br />to the extent permitted by law, to pay costs of providing public benefits determined to be <br />provided pursuant to Section 3.02, and (iv) to pay costs of solid waste reduction activities. The <br />County shall not use System Revenues to pay costs of collecting Solid Waste in unincorporated <br />areas of the County. <br />(b) The County shall in no event be required to use assets or funds other than those of <br />the Solid Waste System to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, including its obligations <br />under Section 2.93(x) 2.04(a) but excluding its obligations under Section 294 =- <br />544 &U. Risk Management. The County covenants that it will maintain a <br />practical program . of insurance and risk management, with reasonable terms, conditions, <br />provisions and costs, which the County determines (a) will afford the County adequate protection <br />against loss caused by damage to or destruction of the Solid Waste System or any part thereof <br />and (b) will provide reasonable liability protection for bodily injury and property damage <br />resulting from the construction or operation of the Solid Waste System. <br />