Orange County NC Website
Insofar as grant funding is concerned, the most likely existing source of funds is the High Unit Cost <br />Grants in the State Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund program. The County's 1996 CDBG <br />infrastructure grant application will be reconsidered in early 1998, but I am advised by Tara Fikes, the <br />Director of OC Housing and Community Development, that the County's prospects of obtain these grant <br />funds aze poor. The Clean Water Trust Fund grants, federal rural development and economic assistance <br />grants and other newly created state grant funds aze also potential sources of funding. Most require that <br />finalized or neazly finalized construction documents be submitted with the grant application as a <br />prerequisite for qualifying for grant funding. In addition to the difficulty a relatively wealthy county such <br />as Orange County has in competing for grants, timing for the grant application and awazd process may <br />also prove to be an impediment. For example, the next application deadline in the High Unit Cost grant <br />cycle is the end of March 1998, for grant awazds in late June or eazly July 1998. Construction documents <br />for any phase of the Efland sewer cannot be ready for submission by that deadline. The alternatives are <br />to apply for the grant at September deadline, which represents the lowest funding availability segment of <br />the grant cycle, or to apply in March 1999 when the maximum funding is again available. The Mazch <br />1999 deadline may not be as much of a delay as it might first appear. For example, a tentative schedule <br />for building only the sewer for the central Efland azea should be something nearly like the following <br />example: <br />12/15/97 County creates and sends out RFP's (requests for proposals) to engineering <br /> consultants <br />1/15/98 to 2/1/98 Proposal evaluation team receives and evaluates proposals, conducts interviews, <br /> makes recommendation to BOCC <br />2/1/98 to 3/1/98 County staffnegotiates consultant contract, BOCC awazds contract, notice to <br /> proceed issued <br />3/1/98 to 11/1/98 Construction and easement documents prepared, construction project advertised <br />1/1/99 Bids opened <br />3/1/99 Construction contract finalized and executed, notice to proceed issued <br />3/1/99 to 5/1/2000 Project constructed and becomes operational <br />It is possible that the County would be advised if it would be awazded grant funding by late May. This <br />could represent a three month delay in issuing the construction Notice to Proceed. If the BOCC so <br />desired, some delays could be mimm;~ed by bidding various project phases as add alternates to be <br />constructed if and when funds, through either agrant, aloan/assessment process or some combination of <br />the two became available. It might also be possible to plan to build additional phases using only bond and <br />assessment funding with grant funding, if it became available, used as a windfall which would reduce the <br />amount which would have to be recovered though sewer assessments. <br />I hope that this information, and any other information that I can provide and that you deem necessary, <br />can be shazed with the BOCC to initiate the policy and decision making process that will define the scope <br />of and financing for the expansion of the Efland sewer system. If I may provide additional information, <br />please advise. <br />