Orange County NC Website
:. '? <br />~~''~. <br />authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />6. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PRELIMINARY STUDY CONTRACT <br />To approve the contract with Sarah Rubin to do a study for the <br />Economic Development Commission at a cost of $5,000. <br />7. LEASE AND SUBLEASE APPROVAL TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL FOR THE <br />EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION <br />To approve the lease from October 1, 1987 through September 30, <br />1988 between the Town of Chapel Hill and the County and the sublease <br />between the County and the Employment Security Commission and authorize <br />the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />8. RESOLUTION FOR EARL WALKER ASSESSMENT (A complete signed copy <br />is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office). <br />To approve a resolution which will reduce the assessment for <br />Mr. Earl Walker from $855.47 to $200.00 and authorize the Chair to <br />sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS BOARD REPORT <br />Bi11. Laws reported that in May, the EAB presented a report <br />which outlined the needs which effect Orange County. Several of those <br />items listed in the report have been completed while others are in the <br />process of being finished. The Local Emergency Planning Committee has <br />been appointed; the county appropriated $7,000 in the 1987-88 budget <br />for a comprehensive survey of natural resources in the County according <br />to the guidelines of the North Carolina Natural Heritage program; the <br />Orange County Planning Board is formulating alternative approaches for <br />protecting and enhancing natural areas as identified in the survey into <br />the Long Range Plan for the County; the Water Conservation Ordinance <br />addressed the concerns for the management of the water of the Upper Eno <br />River during drought conditions and the sediment and erosion control <br />concern is being handled administratively with a report to the Board <br />before January. <br />Albert Kittrell requested that the EAB address the concern <br />regarding the application of sludge and bring back a recommendation tv <br />the Board on April 1, 1988. <br />Dave Moreau listed the items that need Board action: <br />(1) The County Planning Department should be directed to <br />identify areas of the County that are particularly <br />sensitive to unplanned disposal of hazardous material. <br />(2) The Commissioners should consider the adoption of an <br />Ordinance requiring the posting of a performance bond of <br />sufficient size to provide a reasonable guarantee that <br />private wastewater package plants will continually satisfy <br />their effluent limits. would such an ordinance be legal <br />and, if so, start the process for development of such an <br />ordinance. <br />(3) The Commissioners should direct the Health Department to <br />conduct a sanitary survey of County watersheds in 1987 and <br />repeat that survey at intervals not exceeding three years. <br />(4) The County Commissioners should authorize the EAB to <br />provide continuing oversight of the biwcounty Solid Waste <br />study and make recommendations, as appropriate, concerning <br />the progress of the study and its findings. <br />(5) The County Commissioners should strongly urge U.N.C. to <br />consider the use of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in the new <br />power plant planned for the Chapel Hill campus. <br />(6) The Commissioners should continue the EAB indefinitely. <br />Membership of the EAB should rotate through staggered three <br />