Orange County NC Website
Page 138 North Carolina State Construction Ma~aal ]09~ <br />IN WT~Nl:?SS WHEREOF, the above-bounden parties have executed this instrunnent <br />under their several seals on the date indicated above, the name and corporate seal of each <br />corporate party being hereto affixed and these prestnts duly signed by its undersigned <br />represeutat~ve, pursuant to authority of its governing body. <br />Exeouted in four (4) counterparts. <br />Witness: 0. C. MITCHELL, JR., INC. <br />Contractor: (Trade or Corporate <br />Name) <br />(Proprietorship ar Partnership) , <br />Attest: (Corporation} Title: President <br />(Owner, Partner, or Corp. <br />•Pres_ or Vice Pres. only) <br />By : ~mdrsl'e•~~~ r k <br />Title: Corporate Secretar~_ <br />(Corp. Sec. or Asst. Sec. <br />only} <br />w~.tnes s <br />(Corporate Seal <br />UNITED PA IC RANCE COMPANY <br />BY= <br />Title:. H. Thomas Dawkins <br />(Attorney in Fact} <br />(Surety Corporate Seal) <br />The Bond Network, Inc. <br />P. 0. Box 6054, Charlotte, NC 28207 <br />Name and Address--Surety Agency <br />United Pacific Insurance Company <br />7520 E. Independence Blvd., Suite 140 <br />Charlotte, NC 28227 <br />surety Company Name and N.C. <br />Regional or Branch Office Address <br />n. invmas liawKins <br />(N.C. Licensed Resident Agent) <br />