Orange County NC Website
~i <br />Road and Timberly Drive, (2) accept the Certificate of Mailing offered by <br />the Clerk to the Board, and (3) schedule the public hearing on the Prelim- <br />inary Assessment Roll for October 20, 1987. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />D. RESOLUTIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS <br />None <br />~._~, <br />E. REPORT ON LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING (A copy of the complete <br />report is on file in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />Lightning Brown, Chair of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Task <br />Force presented the report. <br />He stated that those citizens who are low income have had to be con- <br />tent with few opportunities. There are 500 families on the waiting list <br />for low income housing with 300 waiting for entitlements for rental <br />subsidies. Home],essness has become an issue of public concern and afford- <br />able housing has become a problem for the average wage earner. <br />He stated that the report contains 40 separate recommendations in 10 <br />different categories. The first countywide analysis of housing conditions <br />was conducted. He talked about the issue of housing rehabilitation and <br />substandard housing that exists in the county. He stressed the fact that <br />mobile homes are the affordable home option in Orange County and an <br />understanding is needed of those who chose this form of housing. <br />Motion was made by Chair Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />refer the report to the County administration for study and further refer- <br />ral as appropriate to Housing and Community Development, Planning, the <br />Economic Development Commission, the Human Service Advisory Commission and <br />Finance and asked that a calendar be developed for those- specific areas <br />that need additional study and/or comments. _ <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />F. ITEMS FOR DECYSION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />The County Manager recommended the following action by the Board: <br />1. DUKE POWER COMPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />To approve the right-of-way to Duke Power Company for an under- <br />ground electrical service from the Sheriff's Office to Orange Family <br />Medical Center. <br />2. EFLAND SEWER PROJECT AMENDMENT <br />To amend the Efland Sewer fund <br />revenues and anticipated project costs as <br />Appropriation: <br />Construction <br />Engineering/Architect Fees <br />Tap Fee <br />Contingency <br />Source: <br />NC Clean Water Grant <br />Senate Bi11 2 Funds <br />Transfer from General Fund <br />to reflect the <br />stated below: <br /> <br />approved grant <br />187,545 <br />105,000 <br />15,000 <br />(94,500) <br />(4,913) <br />208,979 <br />8,979 <br />3. COUNCILVILLE COMMUNITY RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />To approve the execution of the right-of-way agreement for <br />Streets A and B in the Councilville Community. <br />4. NORTHERN FAIRVIEW/COUNCILVILLE CDBG PROGRAMS <br />To establish September 22, 1987 and October 5, 1987 as public <br />hearing dates to obtain citizen comments regarding the performance of the <br />Councilville and Northern Fairview CDBG programs. <br />