Orange County NC Website
264 H <br />.. , . <br />. NDTI:.E G? ?L'BLI;. I^EiaR"_NG <br />ON <br />PRELI":at~ARX ASSE55"iENT RvSDLUTION ADDPTiD '3Y THE <br />ORANGy COUNTY BOhP.D OF CO":"SISSIOI:yRS TD <br />FIh'At~CE THE LDCF;;, SHARE OF '.'HE COSTS OF <br />PAVING NDRTH CAROLI t~A 5':'A'''E ROAD (5 ) r 18 81 AND ~ 17 9 4 , <br />ALSO KNOWN P.5 MORIAH HILL ROAD Ate*D TIP~BERLY DRIB"E, <br />IN CHAPEL HILL TOWNSHIP, ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CARO:.INA <br />Native is hereby given that, pursuant to Article 9 aF <br />Chapter 153A of the General Statutes ow North Carolina, the Board <br />of Commissioners of Orange County has adopted a Preliminary <br />P.ssessmer.t Resolution as follows; <br />1. OrangQ County shall undertake financing of the local <br />share of paving North Carolina State Road(s) x1881 and #1794, also <br />known as Moriah Hill Road and ^'imberly Drive, in Chapel Hi'_1 <br />Township, Orange Coun~, North Carolina. <br />2. The basis far assessment nor the local share of the <br />costs of this p=oject shall, be the number or lass served, or <br />subject to be served, at an egual rate per lat. <br />3. Orange County will ZSSeSS the total local snare <br />accorcing to the bas:,s set out in number 2 abo•~e, which local <br />share is estimated to be Y3L,915.1o and represents approximately <br />Thirty-nine end Two Tenths percent (3°.2%) of the fatal project <br />cost. (A portion of the non-lccal snare or this project <br />represents a reserve established by i:.G. D.Q.T. fog the <br />acquisition a~ right cf way necessary for the project. 'I'h= status <br />of ri5ht of way »;,yi nct be d=terr.:ir.ed by h.C. D.O.T. until tae <br />local share of the project is pGid by Orange County to N.C. D.O.T. <br />4 <br />