Minutes - 19870818
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19870818
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<br />Assessment Resolution for Moriah Hill Road and Timberly Drive until the <br />September 8 meeting to allow staff the opportunity to contact a number of <br />persons who have signed the petitions to verify the status of their position <br />and to give staff time to evaluate the comments received at this public <br />wring. <br />..' Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to continue the public hearing until September 8. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS - MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />Dr. Lunsford spoke to the issue of school bus driver salaries. He <br />indicated it was his understanding that if the state did not fund an increase <br />in the salary for school bus drivers that the Commissioners would reconsider <br />this for County funding. The State did not fund this item and he emphasized <br />that the problems still exist. He asked that the Board reconsider this item. <br />Chair Marshall expressed an understanding of the problem .but stated that <br />the tax rate has been adopted and there is no money available to make changes <br />in the budget at this time. The process of waiting until the legislature has <br />approved the State budget before final approval of the County budget will <br />need to be reviewed for future budgets. <br />Commissioner Hartwell stated he would like to find a way to allocate the <br />money needed for this increase to each school system. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis emphasized that a strong voice in the legislature <br />is a must for issues like this to be heard and considered as a priority item. <br />He offered to work with the two school superintendents in an effort to <br />develop an effective lobbying process for those issues which are crucial to <br />both school systems. <br />Chair Marshall asked that Commissioner Halkiotis also include the twv <br />;~hool board chairs, the manager, and the finance officers in these <br />iscussions. <br />CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT <br />1. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING <br />Chair Marshall presented the certificate to Finance Director Gordon <br />Baker who in turn gave special recognition to his staff and the auditing firm <br />which performs the county audit. The County has received this award for five. <br />years. <br />D. RESOLUTIONS OR PROCLAMATIONS <br />1. WOMEN' S„ E4UALITY, DAY <br />Judy Eastman presented the following proclamation for approval. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to approve the proclamation as printed below and to authorize the <br />Chair to sign on behalf of the Board: <br />WHEREAS, on August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution <br /> of the United States was ratified; and <br />WHEREAS, that amendment reads as follows: "The right of citizens of <br /> the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged <br /> by the United States or by any state. on account of sex."; <br /> and <br />WHEREAS, the power of the vote is the gateway to continued improve- <br /> ments in the status of women; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Commission for Women advises the citizens <br /> and Board of commissioners of orange County of the status <br /> of women in Orange County; and <br />WHEREAS, that status remains unequal, especially economically and <br /> politically; and. <br />WHEREAS, yet women make significant contributions economically, <br />
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