Orange County NC Website
January 21, 1998 <br />(LEGISLATOR) <br />In Re: Tax Reform <br />Dear (LEGISLATOR): <br />4 <br />CATAWBA COUNTY <br />P.O. Box 389. 100-A South West Boulevard - Newton, North Carolina 28658 -0389 - Telephone (704) 465 -8200 <br />http: / /www. co. Catawba FAX (704) 465 -8392 <br />Catawba County is facing tremendous challenges due to a growing and changing population. It has become obvious through <br />a year of careful research and study that the needs of our community are out pacing the resources available. We are experiencing <br />a surge of demands on our local school system, community college, criminal justice, emergency services, and public utilities, <br />just to name a few, with no end in sight. Given this reality, the County is forced to take action and request your help. <br />A$er a painstaking evaluation of the options which included merging the three school systems, the Board has determined the <br />best solution to this challenge is to seek authority from the State for a reform of the local system of taxation. By actin on the <br />attached Resolution, we seek authority to levy an additional one -cent sales tax to provide the resources necessary to face the <br />needs of the present and future in Catawba County. <br />Lf your answer is no, I must advise you that we will be forced to continue to place the burden of paying for schools, jails, <br />ambulances, and the like on the backs of homeowners and local businesses through increased property taxes. Currently, this <br />segment of our community is carrying over 700/6 of the local tax burden. With the additional sales tax, we could reduce this <br />burden to a mote equitable 60% and even forego the scheduled 1999 property tax increase scheduled for school bonds. If you <br />choose to igome this problem and the solutions we seek, the citizens of Catawba County simply will suffer greater tau inequity. <br />The sales tax will give businesses and homeowners a break and not hold private property as collateral for public facilities. It <br />will capture the participation of commuters and illegal immigrants in paying for services they are helping to create the need <br />for. A pay -as- you -go sales tax puts the power of taxation in the hands of every consumer. Everyone will have a stake with the <br />purchasing decisions they make --one penny at a time. Elderly folks will be less at risk of losing their lifelong investments in <br />their homes each year at tax time. A one -cent local option sales tax for Catawba County is a concept which time has come. <br />Please give us the means to meet the mandates of school facilities, jails, courtrooms, and the like. Without reform of the local <br />tax system, the inequities will only grow and the needs will continue to be unmet and the quality of life in Catawba County- - <br />something we are all proud of—will deteriorate. None of us want it to be said of us as elected officials that we presided over <br />this deterioration, but it is up to you to act. The Commissioners cannot enact this reform without your help. <br />The 130,000 citizens of Catawba County await your response. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Robert E. Hibbitts, Chairman <br />—atawba County Board of Commissioners <br />amn <br />PC: Catawba County Board of Commissioners <br />.. p�to <br />