Orange County NC Website
19 <br />v <br />North Carolina Department of Correction <br />214 XX4x Jones Sum • PO. Box 29540 a RakigK Nor&tmoline 276264590 <br />jams B. Hunt Jr.. Governor Maul: Jarvis. Se=emy <br />February 6, 1998 <br />Mr. John UnL Jr, County Manager <br />Orange County <br />Post Office Box 81'81 <br />Hillsborough, Noah Carolina 27278 <br />Dear Mt. Lithe: <br />It has cAme to my "=bon that the grant award contract issued to Orange 'and Cbatbara County <br />on January 1, 1998; which in put involved funding foF the Freedom House project, did not waive <br />the section that wodld pertain to 'Title of Property." As you are await, the discretionary grant <br />award for the Freedom House project underwent a period of uncertainty due to the fact that the <br />property was not owned by the county. <br />This has since-been IcLir fib, and an exception to the standard VPPcontrvo has been Vaned in <br />this case. By copy of this letter, I am waiving Section 3, paragraph & as it relates to the 'Title to <br />Property." As pr vimsly agreed up= in corrapondc= between tie county wd the CJPP <br />office, Freedom Hesse will retain the ownership of the property; however, the G aneial interests <br />assigned to the state and the county will be secured by menus of a performance agreement and <br />also a deed of trust. <br />Mw grant of S 166,320 will be used to secure beds in the new uuaidmW housing facility to be <br />constructed on Freedom House property. Please provide all appro0ate documentation to the <br />CJPP office regarding both the performance agreement and the deed of trust as it relates to the <br />Freedom Hovso proRecty. -- — <br />