Orange County NC Website
1 <br />NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />ORANGE COUNTY AND <br />ORANGE COUNTY FREEDOM HOUSE, INC. <br />THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this the day of <br />1998 by and between Orange County, North Carolina, <br />hereinafter referred to as "County," on behalf of the Orange - <br />Chatham Criminal Justice Partnership Program, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Partnership" and Freedom House, Inc., <br />hereinafter referred to as "Freedom House;" <br />WITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, County acting as fiscal agent for the Partnership <br />has received a discretionary grant from the North Carolina <br />Department of Correction Criminal Justice Partnership Program for <br />fiscal year 1997 -1998 to establish and maintain a men's halfway <br />house in Orange County to provide transitional housing and <br />substance abuse services for individuals sentenced to <br />intermediate sanctions in the criminal justice system of Orange <br />and Chatham Counties and which provides that these grant monies <br />may be spent through contracting with private for - profit, private <br />non - profit, and public agencies to assist in this; and <br />WHEREAS, Freedom House is a local, non - profit corporation <br />which currently provides these services for women substance <br />abusers; and <br />WHEREAS, Freedom House has agreed to construct, develop and <br />operate the men's transitional housing and substance abuse <br />services facility to be located on property owned by Freedom <br />House in Orange County which will provide housing and services <br />1 <br />0 <br />