Orange County NC Website
be accomplished by obtaining adequate and effective competition to the maximum <br />practicable eztent consistent with the value and specification of supplies and' services <br />to be produced. Publicly advertised procurement with sealed bids and public <br />. openings shall be the preferred method. A rystem of contract administration shall be <br />maintained to assure the following: 1) contractor conformity with the terms, conditions, <br />and specifications of the contract purchase order and 2) adequate follow uP of all <br />deliveries. The Grantee must maintain procurement records which provide documentation <br />of procurement action iacludmg the justification for sole or single source or the negotiated <br />method of procurement. The "cost plus a percentage of cost" method of contracting <br />shall not be used. <br />G. Letting of Purchase Contracts: All purchases of furniture, fixtures, equipment, <br />materials and supplies for the project descnbed in the approved application shall be made <br />at the lowest possible reasonable price. The Grantee agrees to adhere to the foIlowitig <br />requirements is making such purchases: a) when the purchase wdl require more than <br />51,000 but less thaw 52,500, informal bids shall be awarded to the lowest responsible <br />bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and the time specified for <br />performance, akhough if this requirement is in conflict with Grantee county policy, that <br />county policy maybe applied; b) aIl other purchases shall be made through the Grantee's <br />normal commercial purchasing procedures. The NCDOCCJPP reserves the right io <br />establish the price or set the allowable cost value of any items acquired by the Grantee <br />without compliance with these provisions. <br />All new vehicles purchased with project funds must follow formal bid procedures. <br />This procedure involves soliciting sealed bids from qualified sources of supply. The <br />requirement is legally advertised and bids are opened in public. At least two <br />responsible bids must be received and the lowest bid must be accepted. Any. vehicle <br />purchase requires prior approval of the NCDOCCJPP. Counties also have the option <br />to make purchases under State contract. All such purchases made with NCDOCCJPP <br />grant funds must result in ownership by the Grantee county of purchased items. <br />H. Year-End Ezpenditures: All expenditures must be made by June 30, 1998, in order to be <br />reimbursed from fiscal year 1997-98 funds. Encumbrances that result in payment in the <br />ensuing fiscal year wiIl be made with that year's funds. The Crrantee must request <br />reimbursement of funds spent in a grant year within ninety days after the last day of that <br />grant year. Any request for reimbursement made more than ninety days after the close of <br />the grant year will be paid from the subsequent year's grant fiords, if such funds are <br />available. <br />V. Allowablell~ion-allowable Costs <br />A. Allowable Costs: The allowability of costs incurred under any grant shall be determined <br />in accordance with the general principles of allowability and standards set by the <br />Page 7---July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998 <br />