Agenda - 02-17-1998 - 8d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-17-1998
Agenda - 02-17-1998 - 8d
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/22/2010 2:24:08 PM
Creation date
7/22/2010 2:24:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980217
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
S - Manager - CJPP Discretionary Grant Acceptance - 02-17-1998-8d
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\1990's\1990's Grants\1998
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10 <br />NCDOCC7PP. if the aIlowability of an expenditure cannot be determined because records <br />or documentation are inadequate, the questionable cost shall be disallowed. <br />B. Expenses Not Allowable: The Grantee may not expend grant funds for the foIlowing: a) <br />items not part of the approved budget; b) indirect costs. The Grantee may not expend <br />fiords for the following unless specified in the Grantee's plan or application for fimdmg <br />and approved by the NCDOCCJPP: a) construction or renovation of a facility, structure or <br />building; and b) purchase of automobiles or vehicles. The Grantee may not expend grant <br />funds for tht foilowiag unless prior written approval separate from the Grantee's plan and <br />application is obtained from the NCDOCC3PP: a) purchase ofbuildings and associated <br />land or payment of real estate mortgages or taxes; b) purchase of raw land; c) <br />entertainmentr <br />C. Personnel: All ofthe duties and services rendered or performed in the activity of this <br />project will be under the Grantee's supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work <br />shaIl be fatly qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under federal, state, and local <br />taw to perform such services. Salary and other compensation for personnel engaged in the <br />work shaII be based on established county personnel policies covering qualifications, job <br />descriptions, and salaries for existing or comparable positions. Personnel costs shall not <br />be allowable as costs to be financed in whole or in part with this grant award, unless <br />the position or allowable cost thereof is specifically contained within the narrative <br />portion of the application'and the approved budget and then only as to the cost <br />therein designated as approved. <br />D. Contracts for Professional Services: The Grantee assures that in any NCDOCCJPP <br />program or project requiring the procurement of contractual ser~•ices the competitive <br />bidding process wr~l be used when appropriate and practical and when required by law or <br />by county policy. In all cases the Grantee shall secure the most cost-effective manner of <br />providing services. In the case where the county opts not to use the competitive bidding <br />process and the cost of contractual services exceeds the range of typical rates for such <br />services in other counties, the NCDOCCJPP may require the county to make a request for <br />proposals and utilize competitive bidding before e~cpending funds for contractual services. <br />Contracts shall contain information about the scope and costs of services to be rendered <br />and the number of persons to be served. The Grantee shall draft service contracts <br />according to CJPP guidelines for proposed contracts, and the Grantee shall have the <br />responssbility for securing from CJPP such Quidelines before entering into contracts for <br />services. <br />A copy of the proposed contract must be submitted for consideration during the <br />NCDOCCJPP review of the Grantee's plan or application. No funds shall be <br />expended for the purposes of a contract prior to written acknowledgment of receipt <br />of a copy of the signed contract by NCDOCCJPP. Upon signing of an approved <br />Page 8---July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998 <br />
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