Agenda - 02-25-1998
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-25-1998
Agenda - 02-25-1998
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Last modified
5/14/2013 3:36:06 PM
Creation date
7/22/2010 10:27:39 AM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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Bill Strom siad thatthey have talked about having different standards for septic systems in watershed <br />areas and asked if the County has considered that and Ron said they have not look at setting <br />different standards for watershed areas. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis made ref to ten years ago when people were dumping their septic in fields <br />and wooded areas of the county and how we are continuing to education citizens about the care of <br />their septic systems. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that Orange County requires that a declaration be filed as part of the title of <br />the property and in those instances where special things happen for example someone wants to build <br />a six bedroom house when the septic tank is approved for 4 bedrooms, they are asked to sign a <br />declaration which must be filed. whenever property is sold or transferred, evidenced must be <br />presented that the septic is working. <br />Moses Carey pointed out that the lot sizes are larger in the watershed areas. Geoffrey Gledhill said <br />that in the watershed, you cannot use offsite systems for new homes. <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that from now forward, all wells and septic systems will be <br />identified on the GIS system. <br />2. Brookfield situation including relationship of OWASA's role in the process of identifying and <br />addressing potential "adverse public health conditions in context of Orange County's Planning and <br />Zoning requirements related to municipal utility services: Written excerpt: Creation of on -site <br />water /waste water treatment failure classification /termination policy_(12 /16/97 BOCC Agenda <br />Abstract) (Attachment 3) <br />Geoffrey Gledhill said that if they can wait until the Water and Sewer Boundary TF finishes their work <br />and Brookfield will be addressed. <br />Alan Reimer said that they don't think they can wait that long. He asked if all the homes are okay for <br />now and Ron said that some of them are failing because of all the rain. It will abate some with dryer <br />weather. He has detailed information on all the homes in that area. <br />What responsibilities do Orange County and OWASA share when types of adverse public health <br />conditions arise? (Discussion Item) <br />Commissioner Gordon pointed out that the problems being experience are those older systems and not <br />the newer systems. <br />
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