Orange County NC Website
4 <br />ORANGE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (LAND USE ELEMENT) AND <br />MAP AMENDMENT <br />This amendment requires the approval of the governing board of Orange County only. <br />CP -1 -98 American Stone Company <br />(Fourth in a series of public hearings: the first occurring on October 10, 1991, the <br />second on October 14, 1993, and the third on April 14, 1994). <br />The applicant requests the establishment of a rural industrial activity node <br />covering the subject properties. A rural industrial activity node is land focused on <br />designated road intersections in the rural areas that is appropriate for small scale <br />industrial uses which do not require urban-type services. The property contains <br />164.97 acres and is specifically described as lots 8A (part), 9B, 9C, and 9E of Tax <br />Map 28 in Bingham Township. The application to amend the Comprehensive Plan <br />and Map is unchanged, but because almost four years has elapsed since the last <br />public hearing, it is felt that another public hearing is advisable before a decision <br />is made. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the Board receive the foregoing as information <br />and identify scheduling preferences for inclusion in the notice of public hearing to <br />be brought back on March 17, 1998. <br />