Orange County NC Website
24 <br />2a <br />activities. The Landfill Owners Group resolution does not recommend a future use for the Greene <br />tract rather it requests the Council to move forward with the Northwest Small Area Plan holding fi=n <br />use of the Greene tract until further notice. <br />Additionallg the resolution recommends the formation of two groups: a task force to further study the <br />Greene tract and a group to set community needs and goals for the use of the trace. <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has not yet scheduled consideration of the Owners <br />Group resolution. The Carrboro Board of Aldermen discussed the resolution at their January 8 <br />meeting and adopted the attached resolution (Attachment 3) which is essentially the same as that <br />adopted by the Landfill Owners Group. <br />Recommendation: That the Council consider the Landfill Owners Group resolution and determine <br />what if any actions it wishes to take regarding their recommendations. . <br />I. Landfill Owners Group Resolution (p. 3) <br />2. Agenda Item from September 9, 1996 (begin new p. 1) <br />3. Town of Carrboro Resolution Relating to Use of Greene Tract dated January 7, 1997 (p. 12) <br />