Orange County NC Website
23 <br />r 3 ATTACHMENT 4 <br />AGENDA # 10 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor and Town Council <br />FROM Richard Franck, Landfill Owners Group Chairman <br />SUBJECT: Landfill Owners Group Resolution on the Greene Tract <br />DATE: January 13, 1997 <br />RESUBMITTED: January 27,1997 <br />The attached resolution regarding the Greene tract and the Northwest Small Area Plan was adopted by <br />the Landfill Owners Group at their November 21 meeting (Attachment 1). <br />Backgud <br />Development of the Northwest Small Area Plan has occurred over the last several years. Attachment 2, <br />a Town Council September 1996 agenda item on the Northwest Small Area Plan, provides a detailed <br />history of the planning process. The Plan was first referred to the Landfill Owners Group from the <br />Joint Planning Area Work Session held on October 11, 1995. At the joint planning area work session, <br />the governments agreed to put the Plan on hold for six months until the Landfill Owners Group <br />selected a new Iandfill site and made recommendations regarding future use of the Greene tract. In <br />September, 1996, the Council passed a resolution requesting that the Owners Group make a <br />recommendation regarding the firture use of the Greene tract so that the Northwest Small Area Plan <br />could be considered at the April 1997 Joint Planning Area Public Hearing. The attached resolution is <br />the Owners Group response to this request. <br />Because most of the Northwest Small Area is in the Joint Planning Area, joint action is needed by <br />Chapel Sill, Carrboro and Orange County in order to adopt a new land use plan for the area This joint <br />action would require inclusion of the Plan at a Joint Planning Area Public Hearing which are held in <br />April and October each year After the hearing, each governing board would have to adopt the plan. <br />Tie Greene tract is 169 acre of land located in the Chapel Hill planning jurisdiction and is in the <br />Northwest Small Area Plan Study Area It is currently zoned RT (Rural Transition). The tract was <br />jointly purchased in 1984 by Chapel mill (43 %), Carrboro (14 %), and Orange County (43 1%). The <br />purchase price was 53,600 per ace or $608, 400. At the time of purchase it was assumed that the <br />property would serve as the next landfill for Orange County, however, anent federal and state <br />regulations melm the site unsuitable for use as a landfill. <br />Discussion <br />In discussing potential firture uses for the Greene tract, the Landfill Owners Group could not agree on <br />a single use Rather a wide variety of uses were mentioned including using the land for a park, as open <br />space, low - income housing, an employment campus or selling the land to finance firture landfill <br />