Agenda - 03-04-1998 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-04-1998
Agenda - 03-04-1998 - 10a
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5/14/2013 3:35:40 PM
Creation date
7/21/2010 11:18:45 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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N <br />12, <br />29, 1997, Carrboro asked that joint planning be restarted on the application, due to the <br />completion of the mediation process (please see Attachment 2). Because almost four years <br />has elapsed since the last hearing, another public hearing is advisable. <br />3. Application from Ms. Inna Deng_ A citizen is requesting that two properties she owns in the <br />Rural Buffer on Eubanks Road be transferred to the Chapel Hill Transition Area. Her <br />properties are located in an area which Chapel Hill's draft Northwest Small Area Plan <br />recommended be transferred to the Chapel Hill Transition Area. The area is immediately <br />west of the existing Eubanks Road Landfill and east of the Blackwood Division of Duke <br />Forest (please see Attachment 3). Staff suggests the entire area be considered, including the <br />citizen's two tracts. <br />These proposals all need to be considered at a Joint Public Hearing. Please refer to Attachment 5 <br />for a brief description of the Joint Planning process. <br />STATUS OF AREA PLANS <br />Carrboro created a Small Area Planning Work Group in 1992. In 1996, the Work Group <br />presented a first draft to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen decided to <br />sponsor facilitated planning meetings to resolve resident concerns, and these were completed in <br />May, 1997. The facilitated process included representatives from the Chapel Hill Town <br />Council. The final draft was accepted by the Carrboro Board of Aldermen on August 19, 1997. <br />On January 21, 1998, the Town of Carrboro requested consideration of the draft plan at the next <br />joint planning public hearing, scheduled for April 8, 1998. <br />In 1993, the Chapel Hill Town Council created the Northwest Small Area Plan Work Group, <br />which forwarded its draft plan to the Council in December, 1994. The Council held a public <br />hearing on March 1, 1995, and on June 26, 1995 reviewed comments received. On August 30, <br />the Council held a work session attended by representatives from Orange County and Carrboro. <br />On September 11, 1995, the Town Council adopted a resolution inviting Orange County and <br />Carrboro to hold a joint work session on the Greene Tract and to hold a joint planning public <br />hearing on October 11, 1995. A public hearing was not held on the plan, but instead work <br />sessions on the Greene Tract and on the proposed Northwest Small Area Plan were held on <br />October 11, 1995. <br />At the conclusion of the last joint planning work session held on October 11, 1995, Chapel Hill, <br />O. <br />Carrboro, a,Qrange County elected officials agreed to put the Northwest Small Area Plan on <br />hold for six ttsaths until the Landfill Owners Group recommended a new landfill site and then <br />made recommendations on the future use of the Greene tract. A year later, on September 6, <br />1996, the Town Council asked the Landfill Owners Group to make a recommendation on the <br />future use of the Greene tract by January 1, 1997, in order that the Northwest Small Area Plan <br />could be considered at an April, 1997 public hearing. <br />On January 27, 1997, the Council received a report from Richard Franck as Chair of the Landfill <br />Owners Group concerning its resolution on the Greene tract (please see Attachment 4). This <br />
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