Orange County NC Website
YAME: Mr. Wilbert J. McAdoo, Director of Public Works Orange County <br />PROJECT: Roof Analysis, Selected Roof Areas <br />DATE: November 4, 1997 <br />A compc~i~:written and photographic report shall be provided to document and subee our <br />findings. This report shall inchide: <br />1. Executive Suasamtyr <br />2. Facility Dexriptioa <br />3. Sub~Surfaoa Moisture Documeaotatiaa <br />(a} Infra-Red T'hermogtama of Anomalies <br />(b) Actual Cobs Photographic Documentation <br />(c) Ammsly Dex~tion and Cau.9es <br />(d} Nuclaa Hydrogen Cotmt Documentation <br />(e} Galvanic Moisture Probe Rewlts <br />(fl Ammaly- <br />(g} Roof Plm with Ammaly Locatioffi as Delineated on Roof SurSrcx <br />4. Surface DeRciencies~ <br />(a} Photographic Doatmeatatioa <br />(b} DeBcidscy Damon, Cauca, and Ef£cct <br />S. Internal Components Breakdown and Analysis (Core Samplas} <br />(a} Photographic Documantation <br />(b} .Don of Components <br />(c) Evahtation ResuitsR <br />6. Roof Drainage Pro$ie A~lysis <br />(a} <br />(b) Pondiog Load Contnbution Study <br />(c) Drainage Rata Study <br />(d) Phatogtapi~uc Documentation <br />(e) Roof P1es with Pondmg I,ocatioas Identised <br />7. Roof Los 8vaiastiion <br />(a} ., y As-New Study <br />(b~ P.nee~Bti$cieocy C~are>atly Eadsting <br />8. Serviceability Forecast <br />(a) Serviceability Forecast Chart <br />(b) Roof Service Life Curvy <br />(c) Ecomnric Fly <br />(d} LiEo-Cy~cla Coating <br />Roof Ettginesting Technology, Diagnostip 8~ Design <br />5500 Executlv~ CantK O~iw, SuiEa t 17 • diarloth, NC • 28212-8821 704.538.3322 Fax 704.538.4233 <br />Associates. P.A. <br />