Orange County NC Website
<br />The chart below shows the cost analysis: <br /> Current Costs New Format Costs Increase <br /> Cost Total Annual.:. Cost Total' Annual <br /> per Piece Pieces. Cost ,per Pieee Pieces Cost <br />Forms .0133 60,000 798 .009 60,000 540 -258 <br />Envelopes .035 60,000 2,100 2,100 <br />Postage .18 60,000 10,800 .238 60,000 14,280 3,480 <br />Labor, Equipment <br />Software, Supplies .071 60,000 4260 4,260 <br />Design of Notice .0042 60,000 250 250 <br />OA{E TIME CHARGE <br />Data File Set Up .0016 60,000 t00 100 <br />ONE TIME CHARGE <br />Address Correction .O1 60,000 600 600 <br />Software <br />Inserts 0 0 0 0 <br />_,z..~ <br />9~: <br />.368 <br />6f1,00d; <br />~: $10;532= <br />The Tax Assessor and Tax Collector request that the Board of Commissioners approve a change in <br />the tax notice format from a postcard to a letter size notice with a mailing and a return envelope. <br />Approval of the format change involves the following: <br />1) Approval to contract with an outside vendor to produce, insert, and mail tax notices. <br />2) Approval of the increase in professional contract services budget line item and postage <br />budget line item necessary to contract with an outside vendor to make the necessary <br />changes. <br />3) Approval to transfer the cost of inserting additional communication in with the tax bill <br />and additional postage costs, if incurred, to the originating department. <br />