Orange County NC Website
r~u/! Eiil~S~ <br />13 <br />•. <br />2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED <br />All departments and divisions <br />3.0 REFERENCES <br />4.0 OF LICY <br />The Town of Carrboro in its desire. to ftu-tlicr affordable housing opportunltics hereby <br />establishes a Permit Fee Waiver Policy. This policy was adopted by the Carrboro Board <br />of Aldermen on February 11, 1997. <br />5.0 AEFINITION~, <br />Affordable housing is defined as: <br />I. A dwelling unit that can be pure6aaed by families or persons with incomes that arc <br />less khan 80% of the median income for_Orange County as reported by the_US Dept. <br />of Housing and Urban Development arxd w~ie`rc ~i"e` ioial-monthly housing cost <br />(including mortgage payments, utilities, taxes, and insurance) will not exceed 30% of _ <br />their total monthly income. <br />2. A dwelling unit that can be rented by fanulies or persons with incomes that arc less <br />than 609s of the median income for Orange County as reported by the US Dept, of <br />Housirr~~and Urban Development and where the total monthly housing cost <br />(inel~rettt paytrtents, utilities,~taxes, and insurance) will not exceed 30 % of their <br />total t~ income: <br />6.0 PROCEDURE <br />Subject to budgetary constraints, the Boazd of Aldermen may consider granting a fee <br />waiver (excluding engineering fees) for affordable housing projects that are no being <br />developed on property owned directly or indirectly by the Town of Carrboro that can <br />clearly demonstrate compliance with the following criteria: <br />~,I. The fee waiver will directly benefit families or persons of low to modecatc income <br />over a sustained period of time, <br />1.0 PURPOSE - <br />To establish fees waiver policy for land use and building permit~q <br />