Orange County NC Website
.~ <br />'This ~ presents a reeomaieadation fronn.tbe:Land6ll Owners Cnoup for Ioca~g a corneractian <br />& demolition (C&D) facility in OnmBe CvuntY• <br />BACKGROUND <br />We now estar~c that ..our- cumaax Eubanks -Road CBcD disposal facility wiII reach capacity <br />sometime im the second half of 1499. Tin tonnage disposed of is Ibis secxion of the IandSll. is <br />1996J'97 was 33,858 tons, or about 30'/0 of the non-yard waste eataiug tb~e IsndEIl, . <br />At the January Laod611 Owners Grasp matting we Presented a:rcpott discusWng: location options <br />. for CdcD managaamR in the Cotmty and suggesting a timefcame far deve3opmatt of such a facility: <br />''~ _.~ - . <br />A report prepared by Joyce F.ngmeering evaluating the Greene Tract for posmbk solid waste uses, <br />including C&D disposal was submitted to the Couzny Manager. on Febtuaty St>t.. A Dopy of the <br />~~ p~~Y fotwacded to the .Council and m tie Mentgas of Carrborro and <br />The LOG, at their Febn~ary 18 mewing (Attacbment A), approved a resohgion reco~mding o0 <br />the member goveumaeMs that they rprthorize the staff to search for froely offcrod, suitable property. <br />within Or:m~ge County.. (Attachment B is the staff report presented at that LOG meeting a~ <br />iaeludes the Joyce Eagineexiag report.), .. . <br />DISCUSSION ~ - - _ ... <br />C&D Fuility Silting Ctiaerlt = <br />Tlm She siting criteria for a CBcD facility ue similar to but somewhat less stringent thm <br />tha fvc a Mu~aicipal Solid Waste (MSS facility. <br />' Matr~r ancas~of County would meet these criteria..: . <br />`....` <br />