Agenda - 03-04-1998 - 8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-04-1998
Agenda - 03-04-1998 - 8e
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Last modified
5/14/2013 3:34:12 PM
Creation date
7/20/2010 4:50:35 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980304
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
RES-1998-013a Resolution Approving Dry Run Subdivision - Donnie Chapman Preliminary Plan - 03-04-1998-8e
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1998
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3. The subdivision roads are part of a development which is located in an area <br />designated as Urban or Transition on the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan; or <br />(Not applicable.) <br />4. A proposed road is designated as an arterial or collector on an approved <br />Thoroughfare Plan for a municipality or in the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan; or <br />(The road is not designated as an arterial or a collector.) <br />5. The subdivision roads are part of a non - residential development consisting <br />of office, retail, industrial, and similar businesses, each located on a separate <br />lot. This provision shall only apply to that portion of a subdivision being <br />developed for non - residential purposes. <br />(Not applicable.) <br />However, private roads may be allowed in a subdivision where, in the judgment <br />of the Planning Board and with the approval of the Board of County <br />Commissioners, it is found that the nature and location of the subdivision with <br />respect to other development and the Comprehensive Plan are such that a private <br />road is justified. <br />In determining whether to permit private roads in subdivisions, the following <br />design features will be considered: <br />1. The location and design of the subdivision is such that it clearly preserves <br />the rural character of the County through: <br />a. The provision of lot sizes and building setback lines significantly greater <br />than required by ordinance provisions. Compliance with this standard is <br />assured in University Lake Watershed where a subdivision is required to <br />provide a minimum lot size of five acres. Where the minimum required <br />lot size is less than five acres, compliance is assured when each lot in the <br />subdivision contains at least twice the minimum required lot size; and/or <br />(The proposed subdivision is located in the Upper Eno Protected Watershed <br />where the maximum density is one unit per 40,000 square feet (0.92 acre). The <br />density proposed in Dry Run is one unit per 1.74 acres The applicant will provide <br />restrictive covenants to prohibit further subdivision of the proposed lots -Some of - <br />the building setbacks have been included in conservation easements) <br />-- - <br />
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